I recently received a computer game for christmas which requires a video card. I looked around the internet for one that would meet all the requirements of the game and thanks to google found some. Sadly upon further investigation I don't think these video cards are compatible with my comp. According to Wikipedia video cards require certain volt or wattage and something how I guess a bus is large enough or something. Yea, I am not good with hardware.

If any one can lend any information or possibly select a card that would work correctly with my comp I would be much appreciative.

The Details

Video Card:
The game requires a DirectX 9 compliant, 128MB video RAM, and Shader Model 1.1 or higher.

see this website for any information about my comp. document?docname=c00571922&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&lc=en&d lc=en&cc=us&lang=en&product=1815823

If you require any more information please just say so and I will try and provide it to my fullest ability.

Thanks again guys&gals.
Don't worry too much about the wattage. I've found a lot of times as long as it isn't something outrageous like a requirement of 600 watts PSU, it should be OK. I run a Geforce 8500 GT on a 250 watt PSU and never had a problem. Been running it for almost a year now.

The issue I have with factory purchased computers is a lot of times, they only put a PSU in they have to put in. If the total computer isn't going to need more then 100 watts, then you'll be lucky to get a 150 watt PSU.

My problem here is, I am not seeing any information about the PSU on the product description page you listed. When I am not sure about the PSU, I recommend a low profile card. They won't kick out hardcore graphics, but they usually have a very, very low power requirement.

This is the one I am going to be getting once I have some extra cash available to me:

It's small, has a low watt requirement and has a lot of positive reviews. It isn't a hardcore game card, but your system isn't a game rig anyways.
In response to Radical Designs
I actually have a 1gb 9500 gt, it runs great on my stock 300 watt psu. To put in a comparison, its more powerful than the 512mb 8600gt.
In response to Radical Designs
8500GTs are advertised to required at least 300W. This is an overestimate to keep within safe. Obviously you can go lower, but (I believe) no lower than ~150W, give or take 10-20W, from the "required" power.