Dear BYOND/Consumers,
I may have said it before, I'll say it again, I work at a Wal*Mart and tomorrow is going to be Black Friday. One of the biggest sale days in retail next to Christmas in July.
If you go shopping during this year, do us folks who work in retail a favor and mind your manners and remember the people working in the store are humans too and we all have family members and loved ones.
The same time last year, a man died working at a Wal*Mart, he was trampled to death by consumer whores who didn't know how to act like human beings. Apparently a a human life is in no comparison to a 32" plasma TV.
We don't get hazard pay for working this day. A lot of retail places don't even give their employees a choice. Their scheduling system randomly chooses who gets off and who has to work. Our requests for days off this time of year are usually automatically denied by the management, regardless of the length of time working at the establishment or how long ago you put your request to have the day off in (I did mine 6 months ago, denied)
So remember while shopping this holiday season, be polite, mind your manners and please try not to kill anyone working in retail, it puts a damper on our holidays.
Nov 26 2009, 3:13 pm
My cousins are refusing to even shop at Walmart on Black Friday because of the other customers.
My wife and I went out for it this morning. I was very impressed with how our local Wal-Mart handled it this year. They had many, many people working who could either help customers or keep the peace as required, and they had many police officers and security guards there as well. It is sad that such is necessary, but at least they prepared and handled very well.
Unfortunately, I cannot say that this led to zero problems. I know that at least one fist fight broke out within moments of them letting people at the merchandise; a man and a woman both wanted the last Xbox 360 for their kids, and apparently they thought that violence was the way to ensure they got it. Though this was a black spot on black friday morning, I was talking to one of the employees who told me that anyone who causes any problems gets kicked out of the store and cannot buy anything at all. Another good call on their part. |
Luckily I now work for a cellular carrier's call center and I will not even be working tommorow.