Wow.. BYOND seems to have changed quite abit from the 3-4 years its been since i last took a look. looking back and reading through archived posts is a bit strange, seeing the me of years ago posts, its almost like looking at a completley different person's views and everything. Anyway. just dropping in because a friend was talking about making a game of his own, and that triggered a memory of this site. Glad to see its still alive and looking better then ever =D I may have to make a return once i can find the time to sit down, and re-aquaint myself with DM.. maybe ill finish that game i have sitting on the hub collecting dust, lol.
War_master66 wrote:
Wow.. BYOND seems to have changed quite abit from the 3-4 years its been since i last took a look. looking back and reading through archived posts is a bit strange, seeing the me of years ago posts, its almost like looking at a completley different person's views and everything. Anyway. just dropping in because a friend was talking about making a game of his own, and that triggered a memory of this site. Glad to see its still alive and looking better then ever =D I may have to make a return once i can find the time to sit down, and re-aquaint myself with DM.. maybe ill finish that game i have sitting on the hub collecting dust, lol.

I did this same thing a couple times over the years. It gets interesting when you come back after a while, doesn't.

P.S. Since I rock and rolled.