I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about this here but it was the only off topic type section. If I'm not sorry.

This site, Neobux is a great way to make money online and it actually works. When you register they have forums and even live chats that you join and talk to other real members so you can see that it's real.

You click ads and get paid 1 cent for each and get paid for referrals. You can rent referrals too.

I've been on this site less then 2 weeks and have made almost 2 dollars. You get paid once you reach $2.00 so it's good.

This is so if anyone wanted to buy a BYOND membership or something and they don't get allowance from parents or they don't have a credit card or anything. Enjoy. If you got any questions add my MSN or something

[email protected]

Try this Link
Neobux has been talked about to death, before, and it's just a pyramid scheme. In addition to that, the amount you make is so low that it's not worth it. Honestly, $2 for two weeks? People in sweat shops make more than that.
In response to Popisfizzy
I know it's a horrible amount but I get no money from my parents and I don't have a credit card. It's for people like me with that problem, So it's pretty good. If this has been talked about alot, sorry for bringing it up again.
In response to Popisfizzy
What's funny about that program is they are making anywhere between 10 cents to 25 cents per click you make, and they are just paying you 1. Also you only get money for the people you refer, not the people they refer, which is where pyramid schemes actually become lucrative. Theres no real way to make any money in that.
In response to Dominican-ninja
Maybe you should consider doing yard work or mowing lawns for your neighbors. Or tell your friends you'll eat five hotdogs as you can if they'll pay you $5. Pretty much anything you can do to make money is better than this. It just requires getting your butt off the computer.
In response to AJX
They pay 1 cent per click ?

That's where Firefox's middle mouse click for new tabs comes in handy I guess.
In response to Andre-g1
After a while you start making more. I see people on the forums that show they've made $1,000 dollars or more. It depends how good you are in investing and how much time you spend at it.

And I can't take the money I got in real life and put it in a paypal or anything to buy things online...I rather use online money for online stuff.
In response to Dominican-ninja
Dominican-ninja wrote:
And I can't take the money I got in real life and put it in a paypal or anything to buy things online...I rather use online money for online stuff.

Paypal won't actually let you purchase things with it unless you have a bank account linked to your account.
In response to Falacy
Hmm I didn't know that...I can still get a BYOND membership though.
In response to Dominican-ninja
Dominican-ninja wrote:
that show they've made $1,000 dollars or more.

And these people are either plants, to try and get people to join and make the site money, or people that never, ever leave their house.
In response to Foomer
Hehe, me and my friends pay one of our other friends to eat the most disgusting mixtures of food ever. It's pretty much cafeteria food mixed with gatorade, milk, cookies, water, ketchup, mayonnaise, fruit, etc. and it's absolutely grotesque, but he made about fifty dollars off us so far!
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
Hehe, me and my friends pay one of our other friends to eat the most disgusting mixtures of food ever. It's pretty much cafeteria food mixed with gatorade, milk, cookies, water, ketchup, mayonnaise, fruit, etc. and it's absolutely grotesque, but he made about fifty dollars off us so far!

All the money's in eating very weird bugs.
I hate this crap. I had up to $75.00 from this treasure trooper website and they refused to pay me saying I was being fraudulent. They told me they would be willing to "investigate" the matter, but if they discovered I was being fraudulent, they would fully prosecute me. If I was being fraudulent, why would they have to investigate it since they already claimed I was? I decided just to drop them like a hot brick.
In response to Andre-g1
AHAH! It would, but there is a universal timer that you have to wait for on each advertisement that doesn't allow more than one to be viewed at a time. And there appears to only be about 20 advertisements viewable per day, meaning 20 cents per day. And it is a 20 second timer per advertisement, which means you can do 3 per minute, or all 20 in 6 minutes. If that were hourly wages you'd be making a nice 2 dollars an hour, approx. But there aren't that many ads so you can't do that anyway.
In response to AJX
A two dollar an hour autoclicker would be awesome, if it were possible. Think about it: 2$ an hour, times 24 hours, times 365 days in a year. You would make 18 grand a year, which would pay for the weak little computer you're running 24/7 (it's just an autoclicker, come on!) plus a nice $17,900. Then, let's say you need to take out about 500 dollars for good internet access, 500 more for the electricity involved in this, and 300 more for times when your electricity and internet is down. You're still making $16,600 dollars a year for doing nothing! It would be absolutely awesome if this was possible, you could buy yourself a car etc. with that kind of money! I mean really, guys, that's approximately the amount of money Falacy makes off his DBZ game every year!

Either way, with the 20 ad limit, you can only make a maximum of 73$ :(
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
I mean really, guys, that's approximately the amount of money Falacy makes off his DBZ game every year!

lol I don't make $18,000 a year off my games, not even before expenses.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Hey man.. eating strange bugs is dangerous! Make sure you give the bugs to your local librarian for classification before EVER eating them!