In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Well why would you tell them its saved to their computer? Even so, he can rack up a long list of banned keys/ips before he even thinks to delete a .sav file. I mean... it's a save file.... I wouldn't think of deleting it right away when I think there are dozen of other possiblities keeping me from logging in.

[EDIT] I found the appropriate term. It is called a hash. You save A (Just one) .sav file to thier computer. Then check for that .sav when a player goes to log in, if it is there just add him to the ban list and kick him. The ban list is perfectly safe on wherever you curently have it.
In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Mizukouken Ketsu wrote:
Why on EARTH would you save the banlist to THEIR computer? They can just delete it and rejoin! >_>

You don't save the banlist to their computer, you save a specific file that only bans them. 99% of the noobs here on BYOND would never find the thing, even if they were looking for it.

and @ Axiom:
I'm still pretty sure client.Export() saves on a per-key basis. So unless you know of some other way to save files to the player's computer; it would only work on 1 key.
In response to Falacy
Naming it a universal name? Call it a string of numbers, or something legit sounding like an appriviation of your game. Then have it just check for this file. Or you can use .txt files containing a innocent log and have that be the hash. It's the general idea of writing a file to their computer and rebanning apon logging in that I'm pushing here.
In response to Axiom
Axiom wrote:
Naming it a universal name? Call it a string of numbers, or something legit sounding like an appriviation of your game. Then have it just check for this file. Or you can use .txt files containing a innocent log and have that be the hash. It's the general idea of writing a file to their computer and rebanning apon logging in that I'm pushing here.

It doesn't matter what you name the file. Once client.Export() is used; the file automatically gets saved in a specific folder under a specific name.
And client.Import() only imports said file. You can't be assigning file names/locations as far as I know.
In response to Falacy
I'm not really familuar with client.Export() but it doesn't seem to effect the idea of it. Just browsing through the related procs though, it appears if file() may be used to this effect as well.
In response to Axiom
Axiom wrote:
I'm not really familuar with client.Export() but it doesn't seem to effect the idea of it. Just browsing through the related procs though, it appears if file() may be used to this effect as well.

file() only loads a file, and only from the host's computer.
In response to Falacy
Ah oh well. I'm not familuar with a different way then, aside from then making a list of dealt bans and is he possed one, then reban. Also the .txt file idea is still in the air.

If someone does know how to do it, feel free to let me know because I now want to build on this idea and would love to have some guidance in it.
Ban everyone and make them apply for rights? or perhaps cookie everyone requesting their GUID, if GUID on ban list then no can do buddy! this would ban the computer itself, not the key or the IP.
In response to jobe
In response to Spunky_Girl
stands for generic unique identification.. every computer has a GUID.

{edit}you can find it in your regestry but if you change it your done for...
In response to jobe
Uh if you are talking about what I think you are, you can set it whenever you want without a problem.
In response to jobe
You mean your computer's IP? (not the IP assigned to you by your ISP if you have cable, like Comcast)
In response to Spunky_Girl
In response to jobe
I can't find anything, anywhere about those. I did find a theory for globally unique identifiers, which are more a less a SSN for internet users. It was just an idea though and hasn't been put into action in any large scale.

Also, meddling with peoples registries? Is that even allowed by any decent firewall/security program w/o permession??
In response to Stephen001
Yeah, thats the stuff. i don't know much about it, but i do know thats how the microsoft supercomputer in antarctica identifies, classifies and logs all computer activity it the world, and then makes reccomendations of action to the US Air Force Cyber Devision. Its true.
In response to jobe
jobe wrote:
Yeah, thats the stuff. i don't know much about it, but i do know thats how the microsoft supercomputer in antarctica identifies, classifies and logs all computer activity it the world, and then makes reccomendations of action to the US Air Force Cyber Devision. Its true.

That's the method santa uses to know the naughty from the nice! Except his supercomputer is in the north pole. Its true.
In response to Falacy
Yes, however santa uses his computer for good. Microsoft is the exact polar opposite!
In response to jobe
jobe wrote:
Yeah, thats the stuff. i don't know much about it, but i do know thats how the microsoft supercomputer in antarctica identifies, classifies and logs all computer activity it the world, and then makes reccomendations of action to the US Air Force Cyber Devision. Its true.

Is it located just before the giant ice wall that holds the water back?
In response to Jerico2day
In response to PirateHead
Mr Munroe was not a good keeper of secrets.

George Gough
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