Isn't there some kind of program where you can buy Vista as a college student and get a huge discount?
You may be thinking of The Ultimate Steal, but that's for Office. I personally don't recall a student discount for Vista itself, but I may be wrong.

[Edit] On that page, they do have a Vista Ultimate upgrade for about sixty-five bucks, but I don't know if it's an upgrade from Vista Home to Vista Ultimate, or from XP to Vista Ultimate.
Essentially College students should ask their IT department if they belong to the MSDNAA and whether they will provide you with an account. It is probable that if both the answers are yes, you can get a Vista Business Edition key for free off that.
In response to Stephen001
For being a student at a local Community College, I got into this program and got two copies of XP, one copy of Visual Basics, and a bunch of other Microsoft products for free. This was before Vista was released. So it's a pretty sweet deal.

If that fails, go to your school's bookstore and see if they have Vista. If so, you will get it at the student discount.