How do I host on Windows XP Home Edition?
I tried Port Forwarding and it don't work for me, people say it says Failed to Connect..
I don't know what to problem is here...
I have a router, and multiple computers running at my house.
But can someone tell me how to host my game.
Greetings Gizhy.

From the sounds of it you are having a programming problem. BYOND Help is setup to help people with bugs or problems running the software, but does not cover programming problems. I recommend the Developer's Forums for help with programming issues.

Thank You.
In response to A.T.H.K
I think you used the wrong template :P.
Greetings Gizhy.

Although networking is rather complicated, most problems involving connecting to or hosting a game can normally be pinned down to a user not having exceptions in their firewall or not forwarding ports in their router. For more information please see How do I host a game? Or, I'm having trouble hosting. for more information.

Thanks Much.