In my area I can only get Satilite internet or dial so are these specs decent?
75000 MB Download
2300 Mb Upload
This is all the info i can find is this decent?
![]() May 1 2008, 7:21 am
I'd say you got your terminology wrong. It's probably 7.5Mbps(megabits per second) down, and 230Kbps upload. This is rather slow upload, but actually not that bad. The download speed would be fantastic. The big problem with Satellite, as I understand it, is huge ping times. Because your request is going through the phone lines, then to the satellite company, then they get the information, pop it up to the satellite, then it finally comes back down to you, which creates a huge delay, at least how I've heard it.
Thanks, ill do a little more serching but i think this is all i can get in my area. the funny thing is that Time Warner runs only one mile up the road but not at my house.
Honestly, I doubt those figures are correct at all.
Take some of the OC connection speeds, which are insane and often used by large businesses (since you cannot normally buy them). Not only do you require special (expensive, in the ange of $10,000 - $15,000) machinery but they can cost $11,000 a month at the cheapest, for a 155MB connection. (this is for OC3). If you want "7500MB" then an estimated price for that is about $200,000 a month. Like I said. Those figures have to be wrong, otherwise you must be stupidly rich, STUPIDLY, STUPIDLY RICH (to be willing to pay over 2 million a year for an internet connection). |
Yeah, once you move outside of the big cities, it becomes a big problem. I lived in a town of about 2,000 for about 10 years, and a lot of the people I knew had that exact same problem. Even today I know a good many people who can still only get 56k. It's sad, really.
Danial.Beta wrote:
I'd say you got your terminology wrong. It's probably 7.5Mbps(megabits per second) down, and 230Kbps upload. I just assumed that. Not a lot of the people know the difference (at least people I speak to in the real world). Thanks for the information on the satellite internet connections. George Gough |
That information isn't accurate, the best you're gonna get from satellite internet is around 1.5Mbit (150-170kb/s on a download). You can read my little tidbit of information about this at -- I feel your pain dial-up brother.
But does anyone have any information on what the reliability of satellite internet connections are?
George Gough