I just got my print of Brawl in the mail today. Anyone else get their brawl on yet? I have to say, they did a fine job with the controls, and the game looks and feels great.
Right now, I simply played the story mode.. And while I like it, I don't love it. There isn't any voice acting at all, and it seems like it is really long, too long if you ask me, considering all you do, is run around, kill some guys and then fight a boss. After 6 hours of it, it is going to get boring.
Online should be fun though!
Mar 10 2008, 10:10 am
Mar 10 2008, 2:21 pm
I have tried out everything within the game, well not including the final things or anything major but you should occupy yourself with the even thing, it gets funner and harder. Bty what is your friend code? (try out online then you'll get a code which you need to play online)
DBZ.Omega wrote:
I just got my print of Brawl in the mail today. Anyone else get their brawl on yet? I have to say, they did a fine job with the controls, and the game looks and feels great. BEST GAME EVER I'M GONNA BE ON IT ALL WEEK!!!!!! |
Yeah I thought people were exaggerating when they claimed the Sub Space was horrible; it IS horrible not on quality but how repetitive it gets. Believe me, it's MORE than 6 hours long too..0_0 When you get a chance post your FC too; I need more people to play against.
So what controller scheme do you all play with? I just use the standard Wii-mote. They managed to make it work so well, with so few buttons!
Profile Name: Omega Friend Code: 0903-2445-9717 Let me know yours! |
I hate you all.
Brawl won't be out until late May in England, and the <EXPLETIVE> <EXPLETIVE> <EXPLETIVE> company I pre-ordered my copy with says they won't have it until LATE JUNE! And it just so happens, I'm on holiday late June until July, so I won't get it until July. RWARGH! Very very angry little brit here... |
In response to Ease
Couldn't you have just imported it from the US? Its seems like so many areas like the UK and Austria has so many problems with releases and stuff, gamers would be better off just going with a US console and games.
In response to DBZ.Omega
There are regional settings of the system (NTSC = USA, PAL = Europe, JPN = Japan). Playing a game from a different region (ex: PAL game on NTSC Wii) is not a good idea... it causes problems...
In response to GhostAnime
No it won't work at all. But you can get 3rd party software which will load the games. Or you could just buy a NTSC system. I mean, it seems like a lot of people in the UK and other places have a lot of problems with games over there, it might be wiser to just BUY a NTSC system.
In response to DBZ.Omega
First, I think you mean Australia, not Austria (although Austria would have problems, yes).
Secondly, the Wii is region-locked. Third, there are barely enough NTSC Wiis available to fulfill American demand - it'd be hard to find one to import. Fourth, I'd prefer not to buy a second Wii just because Nintendo of Australia is incompetent. Fifth, I'd prefer not to get a Wiikey or something similar, mostly because it's an extra expense and I'm not too fond of the idea of running potentially-buggy, experimental third-party stuff on my Wii, particularly when the exploits used will likely be patched out. I'm just going to have to live with Nintendo of Australia for now. (Oh, and what with the US dollar falling so dramatically, it'll soon be more expensive to buy stuff from the US then from here, even with the 20% "Because we can" markup) |
In response to Jp
Plus postage =P I'm already paying through the nose for Wii-games (and they're worth it) but another £10 or so to ship it, and it's nearly a weeks rent for one game!!!
Besides, we get Wii Fit and Mario Karts before you. Which I think is a little silly, for if one nation needs Wii Fit as soon as possible, its probably U.S.A ;) ~Ease~ |
In response to Ease
Well if we have learned anything from Dragonball Z, it is that a large size usually contains a huge powerlevel (Mr.Buu anyone?) with saying that, most obese Americans must have a powerlevel well over 9,000!
Anyways, with saying that, I usually am not even aware of a game until it is released. I didn't even remeber about Brawl until I got a letter from EBgames telling me to pre-order it. And that was only a week before it was released! As far as Wii Fit and Mario Kart is concerned, I don't know, we will see. As far as release dates are concerned, they can change a lot. I wouldn't say it isn't out of the question to say we will get it sooner then later. Wii Fit looks fun, and I'll get it, why not? But I wonder how much it will cost. That little balance board combo they have with the game, that might be expensive. Mario Kart looks like it comes in a bigger box and comes with a steering wheel controller, which is cool, but I wouldn't be willing to pay more then $50 for it still. You don't NEED that steering wheel. |
In response to DBZ.Omega
DBZ.Omega wrote:
Well if we have learned anything from Dragonball Z, it is that a large size usually contains a huge powerlevel (Mr.Buu anyone?) with saying that, most obese Americans must have a powerlevel well over 9,000! Reserve the game at Gamestop the wheel's free. |
In response to DBZ.Omega
More than $50? That's only £25... I'm already paying more than £40 a game, and with a wheel I'd expect it to be nearer £60. Americans are so lucky that all their stuff is so cheap!
~Ease~ |