Yeah that's pretty funny, but VG Cats always sort of disappoints me a little. Scott has a lot of popular webcomic artists beat in technical ability but he just doesn't seem to get to dedicate enough time to dedicate to the comic so you'll get an update every few weeks.
In response to DarkView
Yeah, that's happening with a lot of the 'weekly' kind of stuff I go to. Whatever happened to Maddox? Released a book and then kind of stopped posting...
In response to EGUY
Stopped writing? He's written 12 articles since his book was released. That's quite a lot, considering their size and the lack of ads his site has.
Classic how?

It's just really stupid animations set to the literal words of the song along with an annoying-as-hell anime face.

The credits were more entertaining.

And the game isn't called "p0rtal". It's Portal.
In response to Smoko
He used to write a lot more, though. In '04 he wrote 18 articles, which is one more than the amount he wrote in '05, '06, and '07 combined.
In response to Popisfizzy
Maybe he just burnt out. I wouldn't call myself a very funny person but when I tried it with my Byond member page, I lost a lot of steam after a few months, too. :(
Just out of interest, is it called p0rtal where you live or something? I don't recall ever hearing anyone call it that outside of the thread.
Oh ok. I see where you could get it from then.
Yeah, but that's clearly not a 0, and the other letters are capped, not small. So if anything you should be calling it PORTAL.
In response to DarkView
Mindboggling ignorance? It's Portal. No fancy caps: most games will have a stylized, all-caps title for splash screens.
You do realize the shape is just a play on the portal shape, and not meant to be the number 0, right?

Edit: Steam itself calls the game Portal, not P0rtal.