Googling for Dragonball Z Online game around summer 2001

A link was posted in the DragonBall Boards at IGN.
In response to Dice1989
I found byond using wikipedia and looking at engines for creating a game with freedoms such as coding and that's why I'm here.
It was around 7th grade(2003) where I was an avid "Yugioh" fan (:[) so I used to hang around this AOL chatroom I think was called "Yugioh Duelist Arena" and one day everyone was talking about this "Dream Seeker" and I thought they were crazy. Then I eventually asked what it was and it was then I played BYOND for the first time. (Majin's and Mystics by Kujila)

I joined with a few others, and its funny I remember most of their names... (The Big Ryo, Cometsu, D0ct0r Tr03x, Saiyajin Kantoku, Sleek, and another I forgot)

edit: had to repost cause I accidentally replied to Tiberath -_-
I found BYOND in the away back times of 2001. It was a crazy world, filled with baggy pants, skaters, and wallets with chains on them(OK, so that was more like 1995). But that has nothing to do with this story.

I was a fan of a hacked ROM of Pokemon Blue by a now BYOND member named "CoolBoyMan". I heard tell of him working on a Pokemon Gold ROM and found his site. I checked back at his forums from time to time, to keep up with the status updates. Until one day everything was different. It had this crazy Dragon Warrior them to it. I went onto the forums and asked "lol wut is up wit dis forum change?"(actual question may have been different). Come to find out CoolBoyMan had turn it into a DWO fansite. They linked me to BYOND and I joined, a few months later I created my Scoobert key which I would love like my own for many years, till the whore of a key cheated on me, and I had to find a new one.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
I found BYOND in the away back times of 2001. It was a crazy world, filled with baggy pants, skaters, and wallets with chains on them(OK, so that was more like 1995). But that has nothing to do with this story.

<.< You just described my school o.o
Hrm, I don't recall, exactly. I am pretty sure I was searching through game creation tools, looking for something different than all the FPS stuff, something capable of supporting a larger RPG world. Of course, BYOND was DUNG back then and had a different logo.

I still haven't managed to complete that RPG....
In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
I still haven't managed to complete that RPG....

Life story of everyone, it seems.
I found it while playing Runescape. Some annoying guy was spamming while I was fishing. Slowly I started playing Runescape less and BYOND more.
In response to Crashed
Crashed wrote:
playing Runescape

I made a typo typing and liked what I saw.
In response to Calus CoRPS
A friend of mine told be aboutan online yugioh game thats fun, which was dmo.
In response to Kujila
I found a site for top 250 online games, and while going through the list I found a DBZ game, and being an anime fan I had to see it. At first Dragonball Senshi had its own site, so I had no idea that byond even existed even though I had it downloaded onto my cpu.

After playing Dragonball Senshi for about two months my cousin had pointed to the advertisements that would appear in the upper right hand corner about making your own dream game. One day I clicked it and it brought me here, the year of Zeta as some say, soon I started to learn how to Code and make Pixel art and finally I made my own game.
In response to Shadow813
Hey <_Aw, the memories. (lol)
In response to Popisfizzy
Indeed, fits me well
Geez it's been ages now :P.

My road to BYOND started with ZZT. I used to play ZZT for ages back around 1990. My fondness for it never left, but in 1998 I discovered MegaZeux. I actually came rather late to the MZX party, but it was fantastic in every way and I was just hooked. The only problem was, in July 2000 I got a new computer and upgraded from Windows 95 to 98SE. Under 98, MZX simply wouldn't run anymore. So for a year I went frustrated until in late August of 2001, I figured what I really wanted was the game-platform experience, and didn't mind if it was graphical instead of character-based. I went searching for a graphical tile-based game engine that would let you write your own games, and that led me to a page listing several links including BYOND.

Two things really ensnared me into BYOND. One was the language: DM is one of the most awesome languages I've ever seen. It's in the same league with TADS, which I have praised for years for its structure, only it's ultimately more powerful. The other thing was the catalog of games, which was helped along by the fact that Leftley and Lexy were both developing heavily then. Leftley's games remain some of my all-time favorites, while Lexy's would each appear just once but stick with me forever.

Lummox JR
I was looking for a Game Maker.. I found Game Maker v. 6.1 I think, this was back in like 93' 94', and I was looking for graphics for a game, and the Game Maker website linked to AbyssDragon's website, which obviously linked to BYOND.

From the first day I was obsessed. Every time I'd play a new game like WoW or DoD, I'd slowly stop playing and come back to BYOND.
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