Back in middle school I used to read these books. They were collection of ghost stories, claiming some where fiction, while others were "true", or as true as you could get.

The best part about the books though, where their art. They used this really cool, freaky, art work, that looked like someone used a ink pen and splattered the ink on the page to create all sorts of monstrosities and horrors from beyond the grave.

The were smaller books, with like a hard Styrofoams like cover to them. Compact enough so you could put them in your back pocket and carry them around.
Goosebumps maybe? I know those where all the rage when I was in middle school.
In response to Danial.Beta
Didn't we just have this fight on chat? Stop being a smart ass. Keeth already helped me figure it out. the series is called "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark".
In response to Revenant Jesus
Actually no, I just joined chat like 2 minutes ago, before that I hadn't been on for a good 48 hours. Might want to get your facts straight before you jump someone's case.
In response to Danial.Beta
Sorry, my mistake. I had this argument with some other people about it in chat.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Haha I don't think any of those were true.

They were pretty good though, scared me a bit and the art was fantastic.
In response to Kunark
Yeah well when I was reading these, it was several, several years ago, I just downloaded one off of RapidShare and they weren't anything like I remembered. I also found an audio file of a record they apparently made, which was like an archive of the first book. They did a fairly good job with it, with all sorts of sound effects and stuff.

Strange fact, I read that some of these books have be banned before from some schools and libraries.

"Shall we do it now?"
"No. Let's wait until Martin comes."
In response to Revenant Jesus
Yeah, they banned them from my school library when I was in 5th grade.
In response to Revenant Jesus
In response to Sarm
Okay, that picture just scared the crap out of me.
Holy crap, I just remembered what books you were talking about. I forget what they were called too. When you find out, can you please tell me?
In response to Cavern
he already did... its earlier in the topic...
In response to Cavern
BYOND doesn't condone warez otherwise I'd rapidshare the book I found online.