Basically, I am a teamspeak user. My microphone has suddenly been acting strangly. I've tried using different sound cards, different volume settings, though it ends up with the same result.
a. The microphone doesn't work at all
b. The microphone picks up random stuff through the microphone as well as the computer and echos it endlessly.
Anyway idea guys, because I'm stumped? Thanks.
Sep 24 2007, 2:28 pm
Sep 24 2007, 2:41 pm
you probably have it set to playback from the speakers, meaning anything played through the speakers is whats getting played instead of whats being heard through the mic, causing for an infinite loop of soundage
In response to Falacy
I figured it could have been something like that. Although I've turned off stereo mix and any other recording settings, and it still does it. The microphone and speakers are plugged into the same sound card, so maybe there's some mysterious option which I have yet to find.
In response to ADT_CLONE
if youre using vista i still havent figured out how to change this setting
but on XP you can just go into the volume properties, to the recording tab, and make sure microphone is the current selection for input |
In response to Falacy
I'm using XP, and yes, that is the case, it's already selected. I've been playing around with these settings lately so maybe there's something I did wrong.