Same as the name applies. Alot of byond games, give admin, and you always see cases that the admin abuse. Seeing alot of Non-Byond Online games, the Admin stay logged in and keep to them selves, and when someone abuses they catch it.
But the Byond type Admin is different they interact with the players, that actually gets them in trouble. So the question really is do you really need a staff of admins, when a good System could catch: Spamming, cursing, and having logs to catch players when they bug abused when the owner, or one more admin can look up?
Side note: Yes Android Data we know you will figure some way to uber bug a game. :P
Sep 2 2007, 7:14 am
Anime fans show up to BYOND and think, "I can build my own game and become more powerful by giving myself admin powers!" So they do, then they boss around their players with their admin powers. Has nothing to do with moderating their game, has to do with them being more powerful than their players.
So their players think, "This sucks, why should I play this jerk's game when I can go build my own game and then I'LL be the one who's powerful?" So they go build their own game, and now we have a bunch of games with admins who are only there so they can have power over players.
Of course, it also also just have to do with the fact that BYOND makes online game design easy enough that the younger users can make online games and give themselves admin powers, while in the past games required decent programming experience and having anything better than a stock MUD was reserved for older, more experienced (and sometimes mature) users.