Umm I wanted to make a fresh start on BYOND =D
So I was wondering if anyone could help me think of a new name. I am trying to get a snazzy, cool name =P A catchy one that people can remember, but no anime names like "NarutyPwnZrzNo0bs" or something to that extent. Or any Japanese/Chinese looking names like "Hakshi Nirobi" or something.
Thank you if you end up helping me decide =D
Aug 27 2007, 2:36 am
Aug 27 2007, 4:04 am
In response to Fint
=( It is good I suppose =P
But please guys xD I need good names Haha =P Thanks for attempting though =D |
In response to Granado Espada
|'s Grande Soft Taco sound?
In response to Evil-Inuyasha
Evil-Inuyasha wrote:'s Grande Soft Taco sound?how about...Grande Soft Taco With Cheese? |
In response to Flame48
mmmm cheese...
In response to Miater Marik
Any random name generator will make it easy to come up with names if you're having trouble finding one. |
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote: It generated the following name: TrystingCheese Coincidence? YOU decide. -- Data |
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Foomer wrote:CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Granado Espada wrote:
Umm I wanted to make a fresh start on BYOND =D Here you go, random name generator online, has all sorts of options and crap. Play with it until you find a name you like. |
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote: Uilleam Tyrese Artur Ralf Cheese The government is aware of us! -- Data |
I just use a latin translator until somethig fun spills out, usually. Often, I add a layer of hidden meaning. Try this list of premade latin phrases.
Examples that I thought were interesting (not necessarily good as names):
Take something and put "rath" on the end of it. It's perfect.
Lemonrath - See! Gold. Or even, take the name of an animal (tiger) and change one letter then add 'rath': Tiberath - See! Godly! Eagle: Eabelrath Panda: Panearath Lion: Lioarath Cheese: Chesserath See, you can't lose. |