Umm I wanted to make a fresh start on BYOND =D

So I was wondering if anyone could help me think of a new name. I am trying to get a snazzy, cool name =P A catchy one that people can remember, but no anime names like "NarutyPwnZrzNo0bs" or something to that extent. Or any Japanese/Chinese looking names like "Hakshi Nirobi" or something.

Thank you if you end up helping me decide =D
In response to Fint
=( It is good I suppose =P

But please guys xD I need good names Haha =P Thanks for attempting though =D
In response to Granado Espada's Grande Soft Taco sound?
In response to Evil-Inuyasha
Evil-Inuyasha wrote:'s Grande Soft Taco sound?
how about...Grande Soft Taco With Cheese?
In response to Flame48
mmmm cheese...
In response to Miater Marik
Adapse Odanarg?
Any random name generator will make it easy to come up with names if you're having trouble finding one.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:

It generated the following name:

Coincidence? YOU decide.

-- Data
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Foomer wrote:

It generated the following name:

Coincidence? YOU decide.

-- Data
Granado Espada wrote:
Umm I wanted to make a fresh start on BYOND =D

So I was wondering if anyone could help me think of a new name. I am trying to get a snazzy, cool name =P A catchy one that people can remember, but no anime names like "NarutyPwnZrzNo0bs" or something to that extent. Or any Japanese/Chinese looking names like "Hakshi Nirobi" or something.

Thank you if you end up helping me decide =D

Here you go, random name generator online, has all sorts of options and crap. Play with it until you find a name you like.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:

Uilleam Tyrese Artur Ralf Cheese

The government is aware of us!

-- Data
I just use a latin translator until somethig fun spills out, usually. Often, I add a layer of hidden meaning. Try this list of premade latin phrases.

Examples that I thought were interesting (not necessarily good as names):
  • In libris libertas
  • Mei capilli sunt flagrantes
  • Cave canem
  • Carpe Cerevisi
  • Contra mundum

    You can go in and find the meanings yourself.

Take something and put "rath" on the end of it. It's perfect.

Lemonrath - See! Gold.

Or even, take the name of an animal (tiger) and change one letter then add 'rath': Tiberath - See! Godly!

Eagle: Eabelrath
Panda: Panearath
Lion: Lioarath
Cheese: Chesserath

See, you can't lose.