If someone knows, how does Google make their iGoogle layout? (Where you can drag around windows?), is that some form of javascript?

I am learning PHP, but I want something that would I can actually create more of a... Browser GUI, if you can understand my crappy terminology. Kind of like...
[EDIT: A better example]

[EDIT: I really don't want to create a "WEB OS", but the ability of making a gui for my applications, where users can open / close / resize / create new windows seems like quite a nice feature.]

I've been looking around, and it seems like it uses AJAX.
From what I understand, it uses some kind of iframe technique. Does that mean I can use PHP to actually SHOW the information, and use AJAX to give it a more "gui" kind of feel?

Are these kinds of setups recommended? (I mean, is it "function able", or is it more of a "proof of concept" idea?)

I would LOVE to experiment with AJAX (if this will help me towards "web based gui", seems like quite a cool way to build web based applications.)

Can anyone give me more insight?
AJAX is what they use to update the site without reloading the page, all of the resizing and moving stuff is handled by CSS and javascript.
In response to Nadrew
Is there a specified term for the moving and resizing in that kind of way?

And everytime I move and resize the window, I need to update it with AJAX correct?

Seems kind of too much trouble to go through.

Would you suggest using something like this in a actual development environment?
I was interested in this at one point, myself. Here's the best article I found on the subject:
In response to Flame Sage
check out eyeOS

it's really cool, and has been a feature for digitalBYOND accounts for quite a while. (ok i haven't been very vocal about it, but several people use it on the server). i plan to upgrade to the new 1.1 this week.
In response to digitalmouse
eyeos's host sucked after the newest version
I cant seem to figure out how to add apps to my account
In response to Atomic1fire
Atomic1fire wrote:
eyeos's host sucked after the newest version
I cant seem to figure out how to add apps to my account

that's usually taken care of by the host or 'root' user. adding apps are done under 'System Preferences->Admin tab->Launch eyeSoft'. after adding apps, they appear under 'applications'.
In response to digitalmouse
it turns out doesnt allow app uploads