I remember this old game I used to play as a kid, I believe it was made for.. 98? 95? somewhere around in there.
It was a game where you got sucked into this book, and all of the fairy-tales were jumbled up, and you had to walk around and help them all. lol.
I know, it sounds kinda corny, but I remember playing this as a kid, and I wouldn't mind finding out the name of it.
I'm sorry that I cant help you with the name, but I know that you will need a Virtual Machine of Windows 95 or Windows 98 because I've had to do it for one game I used to play. I found the game by trying to search for parts that I remembered of the name
In response to Madjarjarbinks
That's the only thing I can remember about it.
I really hope that I would be able to find out the name.
Flame Sage wrote:
I remember this old game I used to play as a kid, I believe it was made for.. 98? 95? somewhere around in there.
It was a game where you got sucked into this book, and all of the fairy-tales were jumbled up, and you had to walk around and help them all. lol.
I know, it sounds kinda corny, but I remember playing this as a kid, and I wouldn't mind finding out the name of it.

I'd recommend other sites in the future, like home of the underdogs, where there are entire forums dedicated to these sorts of questions. There's much better chances at getting the right answer. However, the game you're asking about is probably by Sierra. And it's probably either Mixed up Mother Goose, or Mixed Up Mother Goose Deluxe. The second one was both released individually, and as a bonus in a King's Quest Collection edition.
In response to Jon88
I think I found it.
This sounds about right.
I'll google around for where to download it :)

[EDIT: Found the game;, but I can't figure out how to run it, I installed it, and then ran the SCIDHUV.EXE, it said "Unable to initiate your audio hardware" then just freezes, I've tried running under various compatibility modes. Help?]

[EDIT2: It runs on DOSBOX perfectly!]
In response to Flame Sage
We used to play that on AppleIIs way back in elementary school in the computer lab. that and Gertrude's Secrets. good times...
In response to Flame Sage
Yeah Dosbox roxors the coxors hardcore. I mean, it runs DOS games better then my old DOS computer used to do. What the hell is up with that?
In response to Revenant Jesus
This may just be my common sense speaking, but we're running on better microcomputers now then we were in the past. <_<
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
I think I found it.
This sounds about right.
I'll google around for where to download it :)

Sierra made the newer remake that I mentioned, which runs perfectly on windows (being a windows app).