Anyone with 360 and likes GTA at all or likes co-op games will love this game. I played this game for hours yesterday on co-op. It is an awesome game and a must have. That is all.

Yea, I played the demo, I hope I can get the game by this weekend >_<! 5 of my friends alrdy have it :(
In response to Xaunux

That probably has to be the stupidest looking game I've seen.
In response to Pakbaum
Don't worry, your right. Looks are everything.
In response to Popisfizzy
No no, I just mean it really doesn't seem like a good game.

I don't mean looks as in aesthetics, I mean the game as a whole doesn't sound appealing at all.

Just my opinion though, I haven't played it. So I could be totally wrong. It just looks EXTREMELY not...good...
In response to Pakbaum
"The only reason i would buy this game is for the Halo3 beta thiny that comes with it."

although i don't have a 360 these were the words of my friend.
In response to A.T.H.K
And these are the repurcussions of that.
In response to Popisfizzy
It has gotten good reviews so far...

No this isn't a rip off from gta.. becuase it was made from the creator of gta.. anyway..

Its like gta except super human powers XD

Co Op over xbox live is just plain out fun, and the physics are pure out awsome...

I remember my friend got into a car and I picked the car up, and chunked him into a big gas tank, hilarious...
In response to Xaunux
My roommate has the demo he plays a lot. It looks pretty fun, it is like a combo of lite action role playing with grand theft auto.

I like how the car will change depending on your character.
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
"The only reason i would buy this game is for the Halo3 beta thiny that comes with it."

In response to SuperAntx
Where's that from?
In response to Worldweaver
Its on mostly every released version of crackdown....

Halo 3 Beta

Every pre-ordered and specially marked package of Crackdown contained within the original shipment will include an invitation to the beta test for the highly-anticipated Microsoft game Halo 3. The Crackdown game disc will be required to download and launch the Halo 3 beta. [6]. It can be found in the download part of the menu.
In response to A.T.H.K
I'm talking about the picture...
In response to A.T.H.K
You know what the funny thing is? I guess people were thinking you could just like play the Halo 3 beta, but it isn't even avaible yet.

My fried got Crackdown today, called in sick to go get it, and it won't let him download the beta. Saying that it isn't availe yet.

I thought that the beta would have been on a extra disk.
In response to Revenant Jesus
People who buy Crackdown for the beta are just idiots and major halo fanatics. Your paying 60 dollars for a beta. It is not a demo even. Crackdown alone is worth the 60 dollars if it is your type of game. It is great fun, and co-op is what really fuels the game. People always wanted a online GTA type game, and now they have it plus super human powers. If anyone would like to play sometime, my Xbox gamertag is "Dark Stealth2k"

In response to Pakbaum
Dude, say what you don't like about the game or your comments are useless and not taken into consideration.

Personally, I think it looks pretty sweet.
In response to Worldweaver
Worldweaver wrote:
Where's that from?

It's from Wal-Mart. =)
In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
People always wanted a online GTA type game, and now they have it.

Seriously do some homework have you ever played Saints Row....
In response to Stealth 2k
Well, I heard about the beta from Crackdown, so I searched it up to see if it was any good (a couple months ago) and it looks pretty sweet so I got it when it came out for the beta AND for Crackdown, I never had the chance to system link co-op with anyone yet, but it would be pretty sweet, and does anyone have any info when the Beta is coming out?