Suggestions to staff:
If you're already logged in it should either redirect you to, or (allowing you to set which one in the Your Account section). The new front page is all very Web 2.0, but not very useful for someone who has read it more than once.
That said, you guys talked about everyone getting their own personal BYOND space (even if you're not a member), so I imagine you're working on getting that functional then you'll have it redirect from to our individual "myspaces".
and if not your own space, then atleast the ability to set you start page - whether it be games or developers or blogs.
I hate it. it reminds me of the layout for dung too much . Get with the times and use some FLASH. Oh and the Banner that says Free Mutilplayer gaming Is crappy!. But i do love the collage of the byond games ! (But i dont see MJ :P)
Love - Genjura |
If you're already logged in it should either redirect you to, or (allowing you to set which one in the Your Account section). The new front page is all very Web 2.0, but not very useful for someone who has read it more than once. I agree. That said, you guys talked about everyone getting their own personal BYOND space (even if you're not a member), so I imagine you're working on getting that functional then you'll have it redirect from to our individual "myspaces". Yep, I believe that's the plan. No offense, but to be honest, the color scheme and layout for the pages are hideous and probably not enticing to new page viewers. BYOND games have much better graphics than what are in the banner (they look more like NES graphics when BYOND uses sort of SNES graphics), plain, dark orange makes for a terrible full-page background color, the page is a little too central; it should take up more of the width of the page, the "byond game collage" that Deadron made is way too low in the page fold and is way too small to actually show the games and what BYOND is capable of, and it doesn't have enough content filling the page (instead it has tons of nullspace). Like somebody else said, it looks like it was made for DUNG and not BYOND. I'm tempted to make my own comp for the page, but I knew Mike H can come up with something better considering how good his blog always looks. |
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
No way. Flash is against the rules. Forever. Agreed entirely. It's not relevent for most web development, especially not an introduction page. One example of how it could be used to good effect would be showing footage of BYOND games in action, but then again I'm not sure how much of an advantage it would be... watching moving footage of a game like Gears of War is better than a screenshot, but we're talking BYOND here. :P |
I like the idea of having a general front-page, and then two different urls for different communities( was just the same as, the developers and gamers. With a link to the Members on both.
I like the gradient though, but the banner doesn't really fit... BYOND is 2d... I don't think it has a good overview either. Where's the link to the developers? It is a good introduction, yes, but it's quite annoying to not being able to acces the Developer section through the front page... It's great for newbies, but annoying for the regulars. Although, it is a good idea, and doesn't look wrong either -- just a tad of work is needed. =) EDIT: Oh wait, I just saw the link to the developers'section below. Ehm, isn't that a bit unfair? Gaming gets all the attention, and developing just a tad... =P O-matic |
Audeuro wrote:
The only thing I don't like about the new page is that I actually have to go through another level of indirection to get to the games page. Honestly, you people are so damn lazy. Just click one link and you are back to the official site. It is not like it is hard or inconvienant. Holy crap... |
It is inconvenient to me. I'm a man of habit. I've been doing the same exact thing for the past two years, and all of a sudden it changes. :(
Popisfizzy wrote:
Eight and a half years? Hmm yea ok the samething for eight and half years when byond hasn't been up that long and nor has the layout we have. Excluding the new layout.. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote: yeah it has. |
Given that I've been around for seven and a half years, DUNG was under, and there wasn't even a until some time after the turn into the year 2000, I'd say no, it was very different back then. Also important is that DUNG didn't even have keys or a forum eight and a half years ago.
The and separation was made just a couple of years ago. |
I disagree. I think the developer and player sections should be separated even more. I don't want players in the developer section where I'm trying to get work done. However, mingling with players in one's off hours is good. I'd like to only have the off topic forums in the player section so I'd be forced to venture out there and perhaps be more likely to participate in the other player forums.
*** Overall, I'm not a fan of the main BYOND page either. The orange theme is not for me, but it doesn't really bother me. Everything at the top has to go or be modified though. Lose the gradient. Lose the center banner and perhaps replace it by enlarging the logo. Add a developer link to the welcome slot. I tried making my own CSS, but there was too much style information in the HTML to bother. That just doesn't make good web sense. Also, while I don't question the quality of the games listed on the front page, they need to be more random. Either publicize games or don't. Don't hardcode a handful and then leave the rest to rot. That's going to cause nothing but problems from the other developers and the staff should know better. Finally, the waste of screenshots is just plain confusing. I understand that the tiled collage might be a bit busy for a background. However, it cost a whole bunch of subscriptions. One would think a better use would have been found than sticking it on the bottom half of a single section. |
Your suggestions are good, and most of them were already on our todo list. However, the decision was made to roll out what we have now rather than wait another 6+ months until it's "finished." For brand new users, this is a vast improvement already, as the Game page is a confusing mess for someone who doesn't know how to play.
Let the tweaking begin... |
i HATE the new BYOND front look. It is lame, unprofessional and cheesy. I no i cant change anything because it wouldnt be put up unless they really liked it but i think it makes BYOND look crappy, and it will scare away new people. Also it takes a REALLY long time to load and i have an amazing connection. Also, sadly enought i am in 9th grade and i could make that same thing in like an hour, it really sux.
Seriosly, i mean i cant STRESS ENOUGH how crappy the new BYOND page looks and i am pissed that i no i cant change anything |
That looks pretty great to me. I think the dark orange gradient looks pretty bad, but the way it looks is awesome. I like the downloads page more, too.