I was just searching around on google and in some site, I found a whole bunch of ideas that someone has written up for BYOND:

10/5/06: Byond Help

Lately I've been messing around with Byond a lot. It's a program, or more accurately a community, where people make a variety of simple tile based multiplayer games. I'm being drawn more to the RPG side of things, where I spend a lot of time messing around on a game called Space Station 13 where I get to run around in a blue jumpsuit asking where everybody is and how to take my backpack off until I get bitten by a rabid monkey and killed.

Byond has a built-in developer environment so pretty much anyone can make games with it. Of course, to do that requires learning how to, and all the fiddly programmey bits, something I really cannot be arsed to do. So I figured I'd just write up some ideas for games and maybe someone else will do all the hard work I can later take credit for.

Pride and Prejudice: The Game

This is a pretty simple one. The game is set in a large country mansion. Half the players are the delectable Bennett sisters and the other half are handsome male suitors. The object of the game is to successfully woo someone with your special 'wooing sticks' and create a successful marriage that creates happiness for both families. But oh no! One of the male suitors is assigned the role of 'Cad', whose objective is to elope with the most gullible sister and take off to a London slum in order to decimate the Social Rank score of her and her entire family. And then her mum has hysterics or something. The advantage of this game is that you can flirt with the people who are playing girls with a reasonable degree of certainty that they are girls in real life. And come to think of it, you can flirt with the people playing men also with a reasonable degree of certainty that they are girls in real life. Because you see no boy will play this while they still have both goolies.

One True God

Each player takes control of a wandering nomadic warrior tribe in a large desert section of Ancient Arabia. At the start of each round one of the players is told that his tribe worships the One True God, and must crush the peaceful unbelievers and heretics who dare to share a desert with them. The joke being of course that in actuality all the players are told that they worship the One True God and the game spirals into an all-out war for supremacy. In the end everyone gets wiped out by the Christians and the entire squabble is rendered ultimately meaningless. The final joke comes when the players come up to heaven and find that all their gods were the same god wearing a variety of different moustaches, who now points and laughs at them.

Hire Stephen Fry

Each player takes the role of an American film producer who sneaks into Stephen Fry's medieval castle in order to attempt to convince him to take a role in their new American-produced but English-themed blockbuster movie. Dig up treasure in his back garden to pay him an enormous fee! Fawn obsequiously over his well-known brand of awkward upper class Britishness! Or just whack him over the head with your special hiring stick and bundle him into a sack! It's no holds barred in your quest to bring a small amount of imagined class to a typical Hollywood excretion. The player taking the role of Stephen Fry gets to choose between three available 'attitudes', and the other players have to figure out which one he picked. The attitudes are 'Only Does Comedy', 'Moving Into Straight Acting' or 'Stephen Fry Is Secretly A Mass Murdering Sex Fiend'.

- Yahtzee


I still haven't read through all of these, though I thought some people might find them interesting.

Pride and Prejudice: The Game


ohhh, and that text adventure looks sessy too (follow link) :D

and he's got comics^_^
I would've said Hire Stephen Fry sounds good, but recently he went on the radio and did his own show, entirely about how he repeatedly tried to commit suicide during his teens. This makes him an emo bitch. If you want to complain about how much your life sucks do it on your myspace or livejournal, stephen. Not national radio (yes, yes I know I do it too, but at least I keep it to my blog.

Stephen Fry just lost some cool.

(man owned some teenaged geek on the internet just dissed this guy out on a programming forum owned)
In response to Elation
don't say the "b" word again
In response to Shlaklava
I dunno. It straddles the line of acceptable. We all agreed a long time ago that if someone can go about with the name "LexyBitch", the word itself (an epithet literally meaning "female dog", tending to refer to the behaviour of a female dog in heat (aggressive, loud, and intolerant of imperfection)) isn't any worse than "bastard", "prick", etc.
In response to Jtgibson
yes but context matters...
In response to Shlaklava
Oh no, my virgin ears :(
In response to Shlaklava
I explicitly stated the context it was used in, though I can't imagine why the word eventually adopted the "submissive woman" context, which isn't any more unacceptable but is certainly more sexist. Presumably we have ebonics to thank for that alternate meaning, since much of that vernacular language has vastly mutated the definitions of words (I'd cite an example, but the example that comes to mind is one of the words we don't allow on the forums ;-)).