
by UnknownHobbit
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
Hello, I don't really follow Genesis anymore, due to a number of reasons, however I felt somewhat nostalgic and wanted to share this with you all finally.

These are the Generations host files from relatively early on, earliest logs of when **I** had obtained them and used them date back to 2013, however I'm sure Liens could clarify when specifically this update was if he wanted to. I do know however that this version is the last major update PRIOR to cycling being added and IS a later version than the April Fools joke server he hosted that was a buggy mess.

Link Here: (Removed, Liens doesn't want them publicly shared, sad.)

Inside are the host files, .dmm file (the map), and a basic resource extractor that allows you to pull the icons, images, and sound files from the host files themselves. --Of which is how Genesis came to get its resources initially!

How do I know this? Because I was and still am (until now) the only person which these files from way back when. I initially extracted the resources long before Discord was even invented, and gave them to three people, those people being Salas, ManlyPink, and Matokushin on Skype for safekeeping should one of my hard-drives ever fail, and at the time, they were the three I trusted most.

Unfortunately, and I guess fortunately at the same time, one of them happened to leak the icons to someone else, and they ended up eventually falling into Mag's hands which, while working with Yukay on their game, gave them to Spirit Punch to aid in the iconning process around 2017. (I can confirm they were the same as the ones Spirit had given Hobbit, as when talking to Hobbit about the icons earlier on, he had the exact same folder as the one I had extracted.)

I'm not going to point fingers at who might of done it, as ultimately, I don't care and ended up being a good thing in the end, as Genesis would not have been possible without them.

Why am I posting these now? I simply do not care about hiding them from anyone anymore and want only to preserve the history of DBG and Genesis alike. Ontop of this, it isn't like you can do anything nefarious with them or the icons anymore. The worst already happened, as was the case of a certain somebody
selling the icons to Mag/Bosslvl and him creating a bootleg DBG off them.

If either Liens or Hobbit would like EITHER the the host files, OR the rsc extractor removed from the forums, I will do so, however, you cannot host these for more than a few seconds without the files crashing on you due to DBG's original hub being gone. Liens had implemented a feature to automatically crash the server if it cannot connect to the hub.

If you wanna play it, you're either going to have to convince Liens to not only bring back his up, but also potentially remember the hub password he used for this version (and yes, I did try hosting them while DBG was still live, I even TOLD Liens that I had them and he mentioned that he added this and had changed the password since them while it was still live.), but even if you did all this, the host will only log in as a lv. 1 Admin, which will not allow you to progress the wipe that far, as you cannot give Super Forms like this.

Have fun, and good luck with Genesis.
Liens statement on the matter :
In response to D4RK_BURROWS
Shame Liens is being a grump about it, and nobody was suggesting pestering him about it. I've removed the public link, however! These host files do belong to me and have for some time and if not for them, Genesis could not exist.

I will not, however, "stop handing them out" to whoever asks to look at them, and they will be permanently stored on my clouds for preservation. Sorry Liens, but if you were maybe a bit more respectful about it, I might have respected your wishes there.