Nightmare Mayhem

by Magicbeast20
Nightmare Mayhem
Play as your favorite horror movie villain and slay your friends!

Crypthead servers have seen some new updates! I've fixed some bugs, as well as added some additional items such as walkie-talkies! The player monster HUD has also seen improvements. Here's a full list of everything:

+ CHANGED Login chat positioning
+ CHANGED AI Enemy slowed
+ CHANGED AI stays stuck in traps longer
+ ADDED Walkie-Talkie
- Players can find walkie-talkies by looting objects. Players can communicate to eachother, regardless of distance.
- Only players with walkie-talkies can hear you speak.
+ CHANGED Open doors and Jump through windows using the SPACE key
+ CHANGED Monster HUD updated
+ ADDED Kill animations for monsters
+ ADDED MoTD alert
+ ADDED In-Game Who button
+ ADDED Cars and Boats have overlay to display amount of seats occupied/open
+ ADDED Chat Commands can now be used in the main lobby menu:
Type any of these into the chat box:
/help, /host, /who, /me and then text
Example: "/me waves hello" outputs, "Nick waves hello" into the chat box
+ FIXED Maps not selecting after a new round
+ FIXED Rounds not properly ending
- REMOVED Players can no longer repair doors/windows