![]() Aug 6 2006, 3:16 pm
Is there a program to convert .swf files to normal video files like .avi, .mpg, or .wmv? Preferably a free one that doesn't add an overlay in the center of the screen saying that I'm using a trial version.
It's a bunch of internet cartoons I downloaded. The person that I'm giving them to doesn't have access to a web browser so the only real way to open them is through a media player like Windows Media Player or WinAmp.
It's kind of maybe not going to work. My only experience of saving them as file types other than .swf has been through the actual .fla source code using Flash 8 or something.
Because of the way .swfs are actually doing calculations with movieclips and stuff - stuff that requires code to be run and so on, saving to something like .mov or .avi might not work at all; the animation might not run or bits of it won't be functional. (then again it may well be possible. In my experience, I'm thinking it's not gonna happen though.) |
I believe you're right, Elation. In my experience, you need to have made the movie or at least have the .fla file and open it up in Flash to convert it into something other than .swf. You can't just convert the .swf. It's sort of like you're trying to edit the code from a .dmb file and recompile it, when you need the source files to do that.
Well, I found this program called WinMPG, . It works, just has the annoying center overlay thing so I don't think it's impossible. I do understand what you're saying. Maybe I can find out another solution with the person's web browser.
Just download a flash player and package it with the cartoons. I think the official player is downloadable from Macromedia's site or Shockwave's.
If you open up a .swf in flash player you can convert it to a .exe(Or at least could back in the days of flash 5). It can be watched on any system regardless of flash access.
If all else fails you could play the Flash file on your computer and record it using one of those video screen capture programs.
Giving them a standalone Flash player as Nadrew suggested might be a better option though. |
Perhaps, I dont know if this is exactly what you are looking for but it seems close enough. Google is the best. |
Justin Knight wrote:
In my experience, you need to have made the movie or at least have the .fla file and open it up in Flash to convert it into something other than .swf. You can't just convert the .swf. Last time I used Flash (At around version 5) you could import .swf files. They won't come in perfectly (they would get imported frame by frame), but you probably could still modify it. ~~> Unknown Person |
Oh yeah, I forgot about importing files. You still need to have Flash, though. He's talking about using a third-party program.
I think that's what I'm going to end up doing, simple and it works, thanks for all your suggestions!
<html><body><embed src="WhateverFile.swf"></embed></body></html>
but i don't know the actual answear...not sure if you can...