By Shades
""Yeah you already showed me sales, that Super Mario Brothers managed to sell 40.24 million units, maybe more. What has that got to say about Halo if they can't even break a sales record like that?""
wow unbelivable you dont know the answer to that -_-
Another Hint- Will You get Mario and a NES or nothing else!
As with anything and everything 1st mario sales shoudnt count it was either mario or mario.But you do see that the Mario sells did lower by what 85%?That alone should mean that mario is getting old,Wii will possibly save it if it dont then idgo with the 'facts' and say Mario 3mil sales max,but then again i said the Wii would win the market share already.
By Shades
""I don't know where the hell you get some of your facts from. And it is outrageous you are sitting here and keep saying "facts" and then turn around and say the Nintendo Wii is nothing more then a modded gamecube. The Nintendo Wii and the Gamecube are very much two different systems, independant from one another.""
Erm No!,They are almost the same you only need to change a few things in the code from one game to make it a Wii game, please go read up from devs using the system and heck from nintendo itself, Wii being an upgrade to GC is a good thing, dont know why your acting up like that, gah -.-
By Shades
""You wanna know why sales drop?""
Could it be Competition?
lol yeah i heard that too rofl
"Sales figures for June show that the now five year-old PS2, beat the Xbox 360 sales last month.
According to monthly estimates by the NPD Group, 311,000 PS2 's were sold in the month of June, whilst 277,000 Xbox 360's made it off the shelves. Nintendo's DS was a clear winner last month, selling 593,000 handsets, thanks to the release of the new DS Lite."
Good Day
Danial.Beta wrote:
That is not true. What the PS3 brings to the table is the ability to have more in a game. With the BD-ROM you can store massive amounts of data, which may include high poly characters, high detail maps, or any number of things in that area. With the added horse power you can do a lot more than just graphics.if the ps3 comes out and the way sony acts as if people will buy the ps3 even if it is just an empty shell would allow me to rather chose the wii |
wow unbelivable you dont know the answer to that -_-
Another Hint- Will You get Mario and a NES or nothing else! Nintendo rolled out its first systems to limited American markets on October 18, 1985, following up with a nationwide release of the console in February of the following year.[7] The console was released in two different packages: a full-featured $249 USD "Deluxe Set" which came packaged with the R.O.B., the NES Zapper, two game controllers, and two games (Duck Hunt, and Gyromite), and a scaled-down $199 "Control Deck," which omitted the R.O.B., Zapper, Duck Hunt and Gyromite, but included a Super Mario Bros. GamePak. The more common "Action Set" which included a Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt multicart wasn't released until 1988.[8] Not only that, it is nothing less then stupid to assume that Nintendo would release their systems with no other games avaible in the market. No the gamecube and the wii are not the same and until you give me hard evidance it is, I am going to ignore you from here on in. Gamecube#Hardware_specifications You can't just take a game, switch a few things and expect it to play. That is completely ludacris and the fact that you even think like that proves to me you have no idea how programming even works. If you are taking the fact that the Nintendo Wii has playback compatablity then you need to go get some mediation. Both the Xbox360 and PS2 and PS3 have playback compatablity, but I don't see you saying they are the same thing as a their predecessors. Because the way you are talking right now, that would make all next gen systems nothing more then a moded version of their last system. Nintendo has never said that the Nintendo Wii is nothing more then a moded Gamecube. But they have infact toted the fact that the Nintendo Wii is one of the easiest systems to develope for. That does NOT make it a moded gamecube. |
No I don't see value in that machine as I do not need that kind of power currently in my own damn home.
I make roughly $800.00 a month and I spend at least $600 of that on rent, food and utilties. I own only normal dvds and a dvd player, a stero that plays MP3/4 as well as a computer, which I only paid $250.00 for and can run Quake 4 on as well as many other PC based games. I don't need my PS3 to play my DVDs, answer my e-mails and cook me dinner. Now if it could sexually please me that might be different. But it can't.... OR CAN IT?! Besides that, I read unless you buy the more expensive package for the PS3 many of those features mentioned, not only are not inlcuded, but cannot be later added on to the cheaper PS3 bundle you purchased. Meanwhile the Xbox360 offers two bundles and you can easily upgrade whichever system you want when you want. You choose to pay for HD-DVD, ect and so on. |
By Shades
""Nintendo has never said that the Nintendo Wii is nothing more then a moded Gamecube. But they have infact toted the fact that the Nintendo Wii is one of the easiest systems to develope for."" God well i have read it is from a few articles in the past OFCOURSE it aint the SAME CPU its a CPU based on the GC as is also the GPU is based on the GC GPU, and i think there was also an article about how it was easy to make the new zelda for the wii by just changing diferent things in the code, i can only quote you on this and dont have the evidense right now, i still cant believe why you keep coming up with this which is in fact a very good thing for nintendo fans everywhere,PS3 and x360 have a very disadvantegeus part in this since the devs must learn a completely new system and taking possibly years to make full use of the hardware like the N64,GC,PS2 and PS3(xbox was easier for PC devs ofcourse) instead of the wii devs who already have used the GC and know how it works, meaning again that games on wii has a strong chance that it will use its full potential early on. Ill try and look them up, but im doing some game design atm and very busy. |
It's already been said that the Wii will be using a new cpu and gpu called broadway and hollywood respectivly. Now yes they are compatible but they are faster than the gamecubes.
It's an XBox 360 in a different case. A Dell is still a Dell if you buy a different case for it.
I love the reply though :) |
I highly doubt they would put unecessary power behind the cores if the GPU couldn't handle it. That wouldn't make sense. Companies are always out there to save money. That's not saving money.
There's more than one way multiple cores work. Way 1: Core 1 works until 100%, core 2 works until 100%, core 3 takes the extra. Way 2: Cores 1,2,3 each split the load. I know the AMD dual core processors work in way 2. If that's the case(and it most likely is) then the 360 should be fine. By the way, how the press is looking now... the Wii is going to do so much better than expected. =) I'm glad. |
First off I am not talking about Nintendo in general. I am talking about the most selling games period. Not by company, not by franchise, not by system. But pure sales alone.
There are people who swear by Halo and if Halo was any where near as fantastic as people seem to think it is, you would think it would be able to beat the sales of 8bit games from the late 80s and early 90s.
Sales numbers doesn't generally mean a game is good at all. It just means that is was hyped in a correct fashion that would get people to buy their product.
My entire school was buzzing about GTA: San Andres and guess what, half the kids who bought it were pissed as hell. Many of them complained about paying full price for what seemed like nothing more then an expension pack.
Yeah you already showed me sales, that Super Mario Brothers managed to sell 40.24 million units, maybe more. What has that got to say about Halo if they can't even break a sales record like that?
Just because Nintendo keeps to their characters does not mean that that is what is holding Nintendo or their sales back. Almost every single company has a title, franchise or character that they will use repeted times. They are like a spokes person for Nintendo.
Nintendo has done it with Pokemon, Mario and Zelda.
Sony has done it with Crash, Army Men and Tombraider.
I can't say for Microsoft, because I barely play the one I already own. Instead I would say Microsoft has done it with nudity, violence and sports.
How can you dare even say Nintendo does not deliver new technology to the market? Oh wait, I bet you think unless a system costs $300-$400 it isn't supposed to be considered NextGen.
Every single time Nintendo has released a new system, they have introduced new things to the markets. Every single system they release is powerful, but not so powerful that it costs people a months worth of their paychecks to afford.
Nintendo analizes the market, they analize the current trend in technology and then they build and base their systems off of that. They plan and release systems based not only on hardware power but the costs of production. It is in that fact I am very thankful for Nitnendo. Because I can still enjoy new and intresting games from their company, without having to spend stupid ammounts of money to afford their stuff.
The fact that Nintendo can sell us next generation hardware while still making a profit is nothing less then genius itself.
Every Nintendo system introduced new graphics, gameplay and power. Along with new intresting ideas for their controllers and systems. And the Nitnendo Wii is no different.
I don't know where the hell you get some of your facts from. And it is outrageous you are sitting here and keep saying "facts" and then turn around and say the Nintendo Wii is nothing more then a modded gamecube. The Nintendo Wii and the Gamecube are very much two different systems, independant from one another.
You wanna know why sales drop? I'll tell you what, because video games ARE getting more advanced and more complicated. Thats why video games sales as a whole are dropping.
I remeber when I got my first orginal Nintendo and my entire house played it. My mom, my dad, my little sister, my GRANDMA. It was simple and easy to play and it had titles everyone could enjoy.
As the next genertion of systems started to appear, fewer people played games in my house. My mom, my sister and my dad. My Grandmother couldn't keep up with the 6 button styles of the Super Nintendo and this kept on until only myself in my household even played video games anymore.
Its hard to get into gaming, expeclly if you are not used to 10+ buttons on a controller, not counting the analog sticks and d-pad. It can be confusing and it can be a traumatic event that could lead that person to never play games again from one bad experience.
And that is the point Nintendo is trying to get across. The time for sheer hardware power alone is gone. Technology is already advanced enough. What? Do I need a system that can show the dimple on some guy's ass, Or maybe I absolutely have to be able to see every single invidual blade of grass and each one of them swaying in the wind?
They are trying to re-introduce video games to the market and their consumers and not just target the gamers, but the new gamers and the non-gamers as well. So that they can just pick up and play without having to worry about 10 odd buttons and what they all do.
You know what the biggest problem is with where this thread went though? We are talking about games VS games sales. Which isn't accurate. We were supposed to be talking about if the release of Halo 3 will cut into the Nintendo Wii's sales.
Yeah, you know what, I bet that Halo 3 will cut into the Nitnedo Wii sales a little bit, but not enough to even make it noticable. And the fact is last time I checked, the Xbox 360 isn't even selling that well..
According to monthly estimates by the NPD Group, 311,000 PS2 's were sold in the month of June, whilst 277,000 Xbox 360's made it off the shelves. Nintendo's DS was a clear winner last month, selling 593,000 handsets, thanks to the release of the new DS Lite.
That means that more people in general own more PS2 units or NDS units then Xbox360 units anyways. And I am willing to bet that most of the Halo 3 sales are going to be from gamers who already OWN a Xbox 360.