I was talking to my friend on how our game is gonna be so deadly, and we were saying (Well i was) something along the line of "Omg! our iconz r = so mac omgz1" (golly jee! the icons for this game are so swell!). Then I said that if there was some BYOND awards then we'd win "BEST ICONS FOR GAME" :):):):):). There could be "most original" or "sweetest banner" or like "most awesome name", or "most played" and stuff...
Then, on the game's hub, it could have like "Winner of Best Icons 2006" or "Most Original August/06". :). I know that wasn't enough "awards" to go anywhere, but i'm just one person :P.
So if you like this, or have reasons to hate this feel free to let us,the forum-reading BYONDers, know why... >_>.
![]() Jul 17 2006, 3:55 pm (Edited on Jul 17 2006, 4:24 pm)
![]() Jul 17 2006, 6:33 pm
1 Question: what game are you making?
i'm not here to advertise, but its tamerin online. We're using most of his icons right now, read the forums to find out why. Sorry, but i was trying to think of a way to prove that i wasn't advertising, but that i wasnt stuck up (dont think thats the right word) because the current icons suck.. >_>.
Haha, sorry about that, but what do you think of the idea? I'm not turning all "OMG MTV AWARDS ON BYOND11!", i was just thinking BYOND needs something new and exciting... (: |
omg XD hahahaha that would be such an awesome idea. Elsyium or whatever could be in there too, and rise of heros... theres top 3. haha good call
Caramonmajere wrote:
I didn't understand a word you just said. :( :P haha sorry. Here's the basic plan: 1- hope to god that someone important reads this. 2- maybe they'll refer it to dantom. :):):):) 3- if that happens, hopefully dantom will do it 4- THEN byond would be really fun =D, not just gamewise, or waiting till easterwise. :) |
How about you make a game and have fun with it. Nuff' said :P Besides we already have an awards page... on the Bwicki. :P
No, i mean't in-depth awards. And sorry, if it seemed like i meant people would make games for awards. I meant it would just be a fun twist :D
You can't get more in-depth than that. |