My laptop randomly reboots and i get a blue screen with white text. Whats wrong? is it too hot. It has a
p4 2.8ghz 533 fsb
512 ddr 266 mhz
60 gb hd 4200 rpm
Mine also used to get this i beleave its because it was getting to hot.. it was a 30 degrees celsius day and i was outside on it.. lol
sounds like a worm to me.
In response to PirateHead
That it could be but AVG didn't pickup a thing so i just formatted not thinking if it was heat or ot but its gone so it might be a bug indeed.
In response to A.T.H.K
I dont have a virus or spyware, I checked my laptop is a desktop replacement notebook so I guess It's that.
Your getting the BSoD. There could be a couple problems that happen with it, but it being a laptop I wouldnt know for sure... Randomly rebooting sounds like a virus, or too hot. It could also be the battery. But I wouldnt know for sure, without looking at it. When does this occur? I mean is it completely random? Or after a certian ammount of time?