Then again when you go to a place to eat, do you take their plates and silverware home with you? Nope. I agree with him on your example not being good.
The BluRay will hold more capacity. I even have hear rumors that it will be faster than HDDVD.
The controller looks just like the dualshock. They changed the design because many people did not like the look of the boomerang-looking controller. Personally, I thought it looked comfortable.
Nishiatsu wrote:
IAnd sony -always- have faults whenever they release a new system. As does every console. The Xbox360 was action-packed fulled of bugs and faulty components when it first came out. |
Carved in Shadows wrote:
...becuase one system has a better disc. If you could buy food on a silver plate or a gold plate both with the same food on it, would they both cost the same? I'd think they would. You don't pay for the plate, you pay for the food. The plates they bring out is simply what they bring out. But, most resturaunts won't give you a choice of either. They usually have the same styled plates for everything, just different sizes. Unless of course, they did give you a choice and you were buying the plate, then they would charge you a difference. But I don't see this happening in near future. |
I never had a problem with any nintendo product that I got on launch date. Just Microsoft and Sony realse buggy stuff.(The biggest problem I had with a nintendo product was how easily the gamecube controller broke.)
I have a friend who broke two GameCubes. He is not rough on them, just plays them a lot. They have some major heat issues. All consoles have problems on release, it is a simple fact. Testing inside of a lab can only go so far. The only real test is the live test. Because consoles are such big secrets, they don't want to go and give away a console to everyone in the company before it gets released just for testing (But that is the way Google works, and it does well for them).
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
The controller looks just like the dualshock. They changed the design because many people did not like the look of the boomerang-looking controller. Personally, I thought it looked comfortable. It's not the look that's the problem. It's that they removed the vibration in favor of tilt sensors. |
I don't see that as much of a negative. Granted, it was interesting to feel the control rumble in your hands as you where getting hit by enemy fire, but I rarely notice it anymore. My body almost completely ignores it. If it is there or not, I do not notice. I think this is the case for most people who play the PlayStation much.
I have a wireless control, it has a powerful rumble for a wireless, but I turn it off. Why? Because I would prefer to have an extra 20 hours of battery life to a control rumbling. I don't know how long the batteries will last in the PS3 control before needing to be recharged, but my guess would be 10-20 hours. A rumble feature would decrease playtime or increase recharge time. I suppose this should have been an option that was able to be toggled on and off, rather then assume it would be a problem. If a game developer was going to use the tilt system, then they could have just not had the rumble and vice verse. But this is such a minor change. Nothing crazy. I really think that it will make almost no difference in how games play and feel. Only time will tell. |
For some games it may not make a difference. Shooters for example already have sound effects when you get hit, aswell as usaually screen flashes and whatever else. But even then, you have vibrations when you are firing your weapons, and you feel the shock if your close to an explosion.
Any type of Vehicle game it's often used when on different surfaces, or for example if your driving a vehicle around a curve and the tires are just starting to skid you get a slight vibration before you start hearing the tires squel. Try playing any type of driving game with the rumble enabled, and then turn it off. Until you've played without it you don't realise how great it is to have. It also enhances the feel of the game, playing Ace Combat, doing a fly-by with another aircraft you not only hear the roar of the engine blowing past you, but you also feel the actual turbulence. Likewise for landing, you actually feel when you first touch down. I remember back in the day fighting over the Rumble Pak for the N64. It's something that once you've played with it you don't want to go back. With the PS3 though, mark my words they will release a controller about 6 months after release that has the rumble capability (And you'll probably see a number of games re-released with rumble capability (unless the online features allow game patching, because you can bet developers are going to love to have it back)). The fact that they aren't including it is a joke, and I'll be interested to see someone take it apart and report their findings on how there was plenty of room to stick in the rumble things in. Battery life is a pretty sad excuse, there was nothing stopping them from having a charger on the console and have the batteries on the control removable. Having to plug them in to charge vs. just changing battery paks quick, either way you'll have to stop whatever you were doing, the latter just allows you to proceed with the exact same functionality you had 10 seconds prior. |
I always use it. I wouldn't be playing a game 20 hours a day, so I'd just recharge it overnight as I was sleeping.
But back to the point, the vibration was always very useful. Some games show no signs of you being hit, or at least it's not as ovbious. Even though I hardly notice the vibration, it's like second nature to acknowledge it. I don't think I'd fare very well without it. |
Carved in Shadows wrote:
It's expensive and I dont even know if blu-ray will beat HDDVD My money is on current DVD beating both of those two. Either I wouldn't worry about which comes out on top when buying a console. If HDDVD beats Blu-Ray they wont scrap all the games that are being developed for the PS3. Personally I wouldn't consider a PS3 worth it at $600. You're paying extra just to own it before it's got a solid game library. That said I'm still waiting for a game good enough to justify the cost of a PS2. =P |
PS3 will be much better. Sony didn't take an extra year off for no reason. They weren't worried about XBOX. It is being beat by PS2 right now. PS2 is owning the XBOX 360. They didn't have to release the PS3 then. They knew that the PS3 would have a great monopoly on the XBOX 360. 360 crashes, freezes, and has the same problems the normal XBOX did. So do you want a buggy system or do you want the ultimate system? It's worth it. Either do that, or just play on the system you have now until the price drops. Trust me. The games on PS3 are good. You probably haven't seen them all. Not all of the games will be Final Fantasy. You forget that Chinese and Japanese have a monopoly over the Game Creators over here in America. Trust me. =| There's a lot of games from China and Japan on the 360, but the PS3 will have more. More action and better graphics. EVERYTHING will be enhanced. They just waited a year so that it would be perfected. Microsoft has nothing on Sony.
Wrong. People wont be forced. Jesus. What's your problem? America is falling apart slowly, not quickly. >.< JEEZ. LOL You're trying to run it down faster by giving our naughty president ideas?!?!?!?!
Well, Microsoft definately has software on Sony. Their software is better. A lot of the Sony software I have tried, namely "Sonic Stage" was crap.
It's pretty fast when transferring songs to my Sony Bean, but other than that, it opens slow, it runs slow, and the music player isn't all that great. Come to think of it, when you delete songs using SonicStage from the Sony Bean, it stores the songs on the Bean reguardless, just deletes it. Then the meter says you have much less space on the 1GB flash drive than you actually do. It even puts songs you don't want on the Sony Bean. Whatever is in the folder you get the songs from is put on there. It won't appear in the list when cycling through the songs. I have to go in there and manually delete them. When I do that, I have about 500 MBs left and I'm just like "FTW OMG YES" |
Well the 5 million dollars come out of our own pockets anyways through taxes and stuff, so it isn't like we are getting it for free anyways.
Second of all, I can't really tell the differance between HD TV or Anlog TV. I can't tell the differance bewteen a normal DVD or a Blue Ray DVD either. Apperently a Blue Ray DVD can not only hold more data, but they are the DVD version of like Hi Defination TV.
When it comes right down to it, for me, they are just trying to make more money, plain and simple. We don't NEED Blue Ray DVDs. We need Blue Ray DVDs just like we needed Beta Tapes and we know how far those went even though they were supposed to be superior to VHS tapes.
The biggest cost factor to the Sony PS3 is the hardware itself. The Blue Ray dvd player and the Blue ray disks are not only going to make the hardware more expensive but the games themself more expensive.
The Sony PS3 isn't a "Next Gen" system, its a "Next-Next Gen" system. And I hope to god that the Sony PS3 lasts 10 years before they make a new one, considering the god awful outrageous price tag that have on the god danged system.
I want a PS3, not becasue of the hardware, but because of some of the choice titles I could miss if I don't buy one. Id rather cut off my left testice then pay $500-600.00 for a system to be totally honest.
Also, it isn't hard to believe Sony PS3 games are going to cost more. They use a newer form of Blue Ray Disk media, that is going to cost more to produce and require special hardware to play. I have seen Ads in some Tech Mags for Blue Ray Disk players costing in the upper Thousands, so $80.00 for a game is pretty believeable. Come on, its Sony.