In response to Laser's Android
No reply to wrong post. Ungh.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
A Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster. I'm a little more than halfway through it now; I'll review it more fully when I'm done.

Ha, I thought so. Was planning to purchase it, but wasn't so sure. I know so many anti-Raph game designers by now that its starting to scare me (Although I don't disagree with him anywhere near as much as them); The usual trend is to claim that he overanalyzes and based on the failure of SWG is incapable of creating something fun.

As far as my own opinion on that, I certainly think hes onto something (Game grammar, 'why levels suck' and similar). Anyhow, sorry for the de-rail. Guess I'll pick the book up from Amazon next month.
In response to Carved in Shadows
Many people say that mature games/moivies are the reasons why some people become criminals,when really the thing to blame is there selfs.

When they watch a movie/game thats rated M they might get an urge to be like one of their favorite characters that do something such as deal drugs,ect.

It is there fault for not being able to keep there selfs away from doing it.

Some kids are kept away from mature games and movies and when they are in their late teen years they decide to do things such as dealing drugs,doing drugs,ect. and end up going to juvenille(or if they're 18 or older,prison).It may be caused by influence from other people,but sometimes it isnt.
In response to Dragon_fire6653
People who are easily influenced shouldn't be watching/playing these things anyways.
In response to Dragon_fire6653
How about this for a solution?
INSTEAD of trying to put the blame on the game developers, parents, stores, or other people, why don't we put the blame on ourselves?
Its not GTAs fault that some kids went out and shot random people, jacked a car and got killed. Its THEIR fault.
Its not an FPS fault for the Columbine shooting(did I spell that right? Oh well.), its the kids fault.
Theres nobody to blame our actions on but ourselves.
In response to Dead_Demon
but the last thing they need is motivation... and seeing someone do it an dget rewarded for is enough motivation for many people
In response to Exophus
what's your malfunction dude? Not everyone is excatly like you... parents and game developers have much of the fault in all this. If game developers open their eyes to what their making maybe this wouldn't be a very big issue. They are constantly making games about murder and drugs and nudity. Then, if they make a game that is fun for children so they dont have to resort to those games the developer is often looked down opon. Parents have blame too, they should care about what their children see for their own good, things are rated and restricted for a reason. It's not entirly the kid's faults, if they are surrounded by bad things what are they supposed to do?
In response to Raiki
maturity is a issue, but age limits have to added because I highly dought that a kid would be like, "I think I am mature enough to play this game" kids dont care about maturity, that's why it's up to the parents to do it, then comes the problem of rebeling against them, if a kids parents say a kid cant play something it makes them want to play it more, if they have it at a friends house or something they would play it there.
In response to Carved in Shadows
It isn't the developer's fault at all. They are doing their job which is making games that will sell. Like I said, the kid will eventually get around to seeing or playing the game even if it is behind the parent's back. Then what? How can you blame the parents or developers for that? You can't.

In response to Carved in Shadows
Yet it is their fault for believing such nonsense against goodwill.
In response to Shades
mmhmm. My brother (20 years old) is only buying GTA: San Andreas because a few of his friends have it, and he wants to seem cool.

god i hate gta. :/

I have no M rated PS2 games. I only have T, although I do only have like, 5 games :D :D :D. i'd rather buy computer games.

In response to Carved in Shadows
Carved in Shadows wrote:
what's your malfunction dude? Not everyone is excatly like you... parents and game developers have much of the fault in all this. If game developers open their eyes to what their making maybe this wouldn't be a very big issue. They are constantly making games about murder and drugs and nudity. Then, if they make a game that is fun for children so they dont have to resort to those games the developer is often looked down opon. Parents have blame too, they should care about what their children see for their own good, things are rated and restricted for a reason. It's not entirly the kid's faults, if they are surrounded by bad things what are they supposed to do?

I hope you realise most game developers (big ones, not like here) don't give a rats ass whether or not some kid gets hurt mimicing what they see in a game. They have a job, to make a game and get money. If they get money, then they've done their job. They don't care what happens when people get the game, as long as they GET it.
In response to Exophus
err sorry for making that post without reading this one first ;p ;p ;p
In response to Koil
Koil wrote:
mmhmm. My brother (20 years old) is only buying GTA: San Andreas because a few of his friends have it, and he wants to seem cool.

Or maybe it's because that game rocks. What kind of 20 year old buys a game to seem cool? Please.
In response to Jerico2day
Jerico2day wrote:
Koil wrote:
mmhmm. My brother (20 years old) is only buying GTA: San Andreas because a few of his friends have it, and he wants to seem cool.

Or maybe it's because that game rocks. What kind of 20 year old buys a game to seem cool? Please.

Obviously his uncool brother >_>
In response to Koil
that's exactly the problem! That's the freakin' problem everyone seems to have these days, their attitude is: "I dont care about other people, I just care about money!"
In response to Carved in Shadows
In response to Dead_Demon
I'm not lying.

if you knew the whole story, it'd seem more true, but I don't feel like going into it.
In response to Carved in Shadows
It's called survival.

People like games with sex and nudity.

Game producers either make games with sex and nudity, or bunnies.

Sex and nudity: $$$
Bunnies: out of business.
In response to Koil
That must be why most of the Nintendo systems/games sell well.
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