Which game should I work on? I keep switching and I am finnaly going to choose one, only one.. to work on... I am gonna see what my friends/the byond community want.. Vote please :)
Vote here or on byond forum please: viewtopic.php?p=9&mforum=flameguardian#9

or you can just vote on this forum with a reply, please vote.. 43 ppl looked at the link and did not vote =( :

Mission XI: A space travelling game in which you conquer planets/the universe(You also can do missions for the leader of the team you are in, and can fight on planet surfaces)

Sabre XI:A sidescrolling game inwhich you fight the infil virus by using 8 diffrent characters with unique powers(Alot like the Megaman series, but it is much diffrent... you can get upgrades like cyclone/charge shot/etc like megaman, but there is new things.. pets/vehicles/customization/buy a house at the hunters clan.. so much to do..)

Real Life:A life simulater of a city inwhich you live like a real life :o(You can either be bad(hitman,carjacker,robber,drug dealeretc), normal(Farmer, bartender, salesman,etc) or good(Cops,fbi,swat.etc) and every class has diffrent things to help.. since you can starve to death/freeze to death.. you need food/drinks/cloths so you dont die.. and some nutrition ^^... And there is also cool things like.. if you are a dirty cop you can accually join one of the main 4 gangs.. and you can obtain cloths/masks that can CHANGE your characters name so people cant figure out who robbed them, drive cars/customize them.etc)

Extonia: An RPG inwhich the world has been destroyed by the bad decision of the Goddess'(The two goddess' have been fighting for land, and they finnally choosen that they both claim certain land.. and now they made 4 continents... but what they did not relize is that one goddess was weak and the other important.. the important goddess Slyae relized that the night crawlers and orcs have bin destroying her towns.. and than she vanished from existance giving the continant of extonia to evil... but you(the hero) have a quest from the goddess Raskie to invade the evil land of extonia and save extonia.. In this game u can do many things: Smith, mine, tame animals, fight with many diffrent way,.etc)

XI Mechalogixe: A mech fighting game in which you are the bad guys infiltrating planet XI to conquer it(You obtain missions to destroy all life on planet XI, you can get your mech/customize it alot.. you can get beam swords on it/rock launchers/ and much more.. boosters so u can fly...side cannons.etc.. also you can either fight in the arena against diffrent people or AI for money.... or you can go do missions/free play on planet XI to gain money/items )

Arena XI(Xi- the final war):A arena game inwhich you customize ur character and get vehicles/weapons to aid you fighting (You can also do missions and such, you can be one of the 4 class's, and create a gang so you can have gang wars, do missions in the accual world to obtain cash, do many diffrent types of team battles and more!)

Real Life Street Racer: A street racing game that you can do much more than just street racing(You can challenge people and start your own car pawn shop/car shop.. you can get caught by the police if u speed and race against AI cars/legendary racers for money.. and go in tournaments hosted by legendary REAL people, customize ur car/create ur own decals, go all over the city looking for diffrent places, AND MORE!)

XI the take over: A game inwhich you are taking back the world of XI from the evil Mechalogixe team( You can recruit up to 12 AI people/real people on your team at a time to do certain missions/more.. fight against your friends for fun, and more)


Tuesday June 13 2006... 4:00 PM.. the votes are:

XI take over:3
Real Life: 4
XI Mechalogixe: 3
Mission XI: 1
Extonia: 4
Real Life Street Racer:1
Arena XI: 1
Sabre XI: 3

Real Life


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The top 2 by tuesday or wednesday will be hosted for 1-3 hours each and than I will ask the testers that want in which game they like the most, thanks for your time
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I will just pick the one that was voted the most
It'd be much easier if we could try each of the games to see how the actual engine works. By looking at the descriptions I'd say Real Life, but games like that can end up as way too much havoc and have no real economical system where it's just cops vs gangmembers and there are no normal people. If that were to happen, I'd vote for Extonia instead.
In response to Zaole
When I was hosting real life awhile back, it wasent cops vs gangsters rlly.. because when you start off it is a little like fable.. mattering to what you do edits ur character and what he can do.. and once that is finished(it's mostly a tutorial/char creation) it edits what you can do.. for example: Maybe I stole from the teachers desk, and than I helped my father plant potatos.. It would let you either be: A robber, a farmer, or a drug dealer...

Mattering to what you do at start changes you =), also in gameplay before it was evened out good/bad
Etonia or Real Life!
None of them really appeal to me except Mission XI.
I vote for XI The Take Over
In response to Matt3151
real life
In response to OMGcrazy
XI Mechalogixe
I vote for XI the take over
In response to KyleB4
Hey flame, well if this thing is still running SABRE XI! why didint anyone vote for my fav game? Well I liked arena more.. but SABRE XI!!!!
In response to Flame Guardian
Well hello! I was bored so I came to take a look at the forums or go on... Yeah so the only one I played and liked was extonia. So Extonia
In response to Worldweaver
It is a 3-3-3-3 tie (some votes were over msn/on the site also) so I would like if I could see a tiny more bit of voting (It is 3 sabre,3 extonia, 3 mechalogixe, 3 XI take over)
Real Life sounds most fun to me =)
In response to Flame Guardian
Since the voting has ended with a tie of Real life and extonia.. I will host them probably on saturday with some testers. NOW!~!

I need some testers to sign up for the games on this forum:
(Just post on a guest account) viewtopic.php?t=7&mforum=flameguardian
In response to Flame Guardian
Do I post on forums or here ?
In response to KyleB4
On forums, ( you dont need to sign up )
In response to Flame Guardian
Hey man, I am probably good for testing.. but when you say saturday.. that means? like june 17th? Or a week after.. or what lol *I will apply in forums I guess just in case*