So God like...erm faked all this Carbon Dating and stuff we can do to check how long something has been around for?
Carbon dating is not accurate; that has been proved already. I once saw some scientists show this by carbon dating objects for which they knew the age precisely and ending up with terribly inaccurate results. One example was even off by decades when the object was created less than a year before the project.
They dated Mouunt St Helens (Erupted 1980) lava to 20,000, 100,000, and 200,000 years old, if I remember correctly. Of course, the daters did not know what they were dating.
--Vito |
Hey, Loduwijk, if I try to measure the width of a hair using a ruler, am I going to get a decent result? Of course not. The measurement isn't suited to what's being measured.
Carbon dating will be horribly inaccurate when applied to very recent, or very old objects. Very recent objects will give you big ages, but not 'billions of years' big. Old objects will give massive and unreasonable dates. But carbon dating isn't the only way of finding the age of things - there are a whole range of techniques for finding the age of something that work on similar principles, but use different radioactive elements, with different half-lives. Some of these methods are entirely capable of coming up with a three-billion year age of the Earth, and alleging that they're inaccurate is missing the point - even a error range of 10% (That is to say, the 'real figure' is somewhere between 90% and 110% of the result) puts the age of the Earth well out of the ten-thousand year mark (That's the current young-earth creationist figure, isn't it?) |
Same problem - something twenty years old can't be dated accurately. Something a thousand years old, on the other hand...
I do not belive the Bible talks about any dates, I believe the only thing it does say is something about how 'it shall come at a time when we are not aware' or something. If its coming when we are NOT aware, it simply cannot be 6/6/06, because everyone IS aware, even if they don't beleive it. My bet, the day after 6/6/06. Thats right. 6/7/06. |
Flame Sage wrote:
I think its like an 80% chance of "The Anti-Christ" coming VERY soon. We have Keanu Reeves, remember? |
You're getting mixed up, Vito. That can't have been carbon dating - carbon dating can only be applied to things that once were organic.
Hey FlameSage, I applaud you for discussing this topic. I also am a Baptist, and am interested in escatology (end time happenings)...
#1. We don't know when the anti-christ will come. He will be born and live a normal life until about the age of 30. Jesus Crist's earthly ministry began when he was 30, and as the anti-christ is simply a "false copy" of Christ, it is likely. #2. The anti-christ will fulfill many of the prophecies said about our Lord, Jesus Christ.He will be able to perform miracles, and other amazing things. #3. He will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and orchestrate TRUE peace in the Middle East. He then will sit himself in the the Temple and proclaim himself god... #4. All nations will go against Israel (God's chosen people). #5. Babylon will most-likely be rebuilt. There's a whole lot more, but I don't feel like typing it at this time... Again, I applaud you fro bringing this up. Christ be with You, ~Chris Davis (Legonian1) |
Well if it does happen, just think how pissed the creators of The Omen will be when they didn't even get to make a profit off of their movie.
Oh, I would really like to see this.
Radiocarbon dating is very reliable when done correctly. Measurments must be accurate and calibrated properly or erroneous results will occur. I am unaware of any serious dispute over the accuracy of the technique, however. As I understand it, the only critiques have come from creationists who lack understanding of the process. |
Oh, the irony. Ann Coulter, 6/6/06, Anti-Christ.
It might be disturbing if anyone actually listened to her hateful diatribes any longer. I think even FauxNews got sick of her.... |
Legonian1 wrote:
#5. Babylon will most-likely be rebuilt. i'll prefer to wait for Babylon 5... (snare-drum-effect) ba-da-bum! |
digitalmouse wrote:
Legonian1 wrote: digitalmouse is like me, we will be cracking jokes while the world is ending. |
Tazor07 wrote:
digitalmouse is like me... correction - you are like the digitalmouse. i came into the world *before* you. :) |
well unless you were born before August 1st, 1967, i would say... yes! even including the time when Babylon 4 went forward and back in time.
:P |
Horror movie directors can't have all the fun.