Is there a way to like turn the bass up on a regular speakers? They are nothing special, but they are pretty good.
Like a PC option or something?
![]() May 20 2006, 8:31 pm
![]() May 20 2006, 8:36 pm
Not if they are regular, no. Some have tuners on them that you can use to tune the bass to your liking. I'd imagine those would come with software to up the bass utilizing the computer.
On Windows XP:
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Volume tab -> Device volume -> Advanced button -> Advanced button. |
Do u have a stereo? if so, does it have the red and white inputs? if so then get a cord with the two red and white jacjs and on the other end it a head phone jack, like on head phones, lol. plug that end into either the speaker jack in the back of most pc concels or to the head phone slot. then plug the other red and white into ur stereo. the use, recomended, Windows Media Player 10, or Winamp. with WMP, go to SRS and WOW effects and crank up the true bass and put the wow effects to about 70 or 80. turn on ur stereo and play a song on ur PC and crank it up.
If u do not have one of those cords, then let me know and i will tell u how to make one. if u do not have that kinda stereo, then still, use WMP and do as i said. I recomend trying to get the proper stereo and cord, really makes it load, alomost like an AMP. (hint, unplug ur old desktop speakers first, lmao) ~Vald~ |