Several times I have ventured into games made by developers new to coding. I have stated the faults that they were making in their games, and offered to help by giving some pointers and code snippets to ease their new life as a developer.
However, multiple times I have been banned, and sometimes booted, by the developer in question.
I was wondering if I am doing something wrong. I was only offering them help and noting what things they had bugs in, but all of them seem to only be interested in their own egos, and will ban anyone who offends them.
For instance, there is the key "Devindrover". I logged into his game and looked around, offering to help. I mainly did this because I am looking to make a science-fiction game myself, but this would require help. The topic became shifted to "Star Trek" and suddenly I was on the development team of creating such a game. Me, being unexperienced in such events, tried to make a fully functional holodeck system whitin a few hours. After failing this task (more to the point because I had found some things and wanted to point them out before going further), I laid it down to him and resigned. He promptly responded by telling me I am a female dog, something my android brain is as of yet unable to process.
I then moved on and told him I would happily assist him in any game he would like to have help on, as I would like to see some better games on BYOND. He told me to goto one of his other games, which he claimed to be the best game he had ever created. The game had questionable grammar and spelling, and knowing he would not make such mistakes by the look of his previous work (which was without any spelling mistakes on his part), I took the work as a demo on the hub he was turning into a full game.
Do any of you have any experiences with any of these events? It's hard to believe that only 47% of the BYOND community is sane enough to type a coherent sentence.
![]() May 5 2006, 9:00 am
I got banned once for calling someone a ripper in, euh, many possible ways.
Data, do you have AIM / MSN? I'd like to talk to you. |
Mysame wrote:
I got banned once for calling someone a ripper in, euh, many possible ways.I possess the tool called "MSN". It has been stored in C46 of my positronic net. [email protected] 01000100011000010111010001100001 |
Most new coders just use what they can get in Demos and Libraries, and don't touch the forums.
Thus, we have quite a army of unguided rippers going seperate ways. They will turn to the forum when they can't find anything new, asking about easy stuff they should of learnt.
It adds up in the wrong way.