In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
They actually gave out some of the src? I thought it was a complete joke....Somebody further elaborate..

yes aaiko did release the source it is here on his page

beware that it is very primitive and its like version one or something. but we are making it better and advanced.

also aaiko can you please respond to me i posted on your page before and you havent said anything. to recap: i want to have access to the original seika universe information so we can make seika open source true to the original. please send it to [email protected] thanks
In response to Sephiroth-001
Sephiroth-001 wrote:
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
They actually gave out some of the src? I thought it was a complete joke....Somebody further elaborate..

yes aaiko did release the source it is here on his page

beware that it is very primitive and its like version one or something. but we are making it better and advanced.

also aaiko can you please respond to me i posted on your page before and you havent said anything. to recap: i want to have access to the original seika universe information so we can make seika open source true to the original. please send it to [email protected] thanks's April second now. Are you for real?
In response to Ben G
Ben G, I thought he belonged to you. :o
In response to Sarm
It's clearly a really, really bored Lummox JR. ;)
In response to Sephiroth-001
No kidding that they released a fake src full of smileys..But I'm wondering how in the heck did you make a game off of nothing in the src, when you can easily just start a blank document yourself..
In response to XzDoG
Some one stop this mad man LOL I dunno what he's been smoking but if he "Clones" Seika and then worse! releases the clone we can expect another zeta epidemic! LOL
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
It's clearly a really, really bored Lummox JR. ;)

If you look at the key name

Key Sephiroth-001
Forged 4/1/06
Portfolio BYOND Publications

It was made that day, so its likely that he has no clue howto even make an icon, let alone know anything about the seika universe information. This is clearly a developer pulling a prank.
In response to Ginseng
Even worst then almost all the DBZ games. Ya know, I'm not insulting them or anything, but 90% of them are zeta.
In response to Sephiroth-001
Also, they didn't really open the source, idiot. If you look, you can see in the coding that is says APRIL FOOLS about 200000000000000 times.

So yeah.

In response to Nowatimean
Nowatimean wrote:
Also, they didn't really open the source, idiot. If you look, you can see in the coding that is says APRIL FOOLS about 200000000000000 times.

So yeah.


Except his keyname was registered on April 1st as well. He just happened to jump right into the website, find the "source" to Seika, and build it into a workable condition. Not to mention that I already covered this in an earlier post in this very thread about how a guy with the exact same keyname was the laughing stock of another forum, used a trend from that forum, happened to be sitting in Converse which had at least two other guys that visit the same forum, as well as not seeming to make any more appearances after April Fools.

So yeah.
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