This comic rocks, a fan by the name of bleedman took the liberty to create an anime comic splashing the stars of cartoon network together, and it's really well put together.

If you don't like anime at all then don't read it, but it's pretty funny and witty, and I would probably buy it if it was an official printed thing... lol - There you go, I'll share it with you as I'm reading it, enjoy it!

- Ken
Yeah, I checked it out a few days ago, and read through that and the entire Grim Tales comic as well.
Oh God. Super Saiyan Buttercup. The horror.
Haha, Dexter is in this... and in the Grim one, I spotted the Megas XLR guy and the little demons from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

Good find, these are fun to look at XD

Not too shabby. I rate it a B+... Grr was the best part.
This is pretty good. I'm still reading it. I was pretty suprised about all the characters they put in...
In response to Artekia
If you read past it, it's actually a pretty funny short comic. It parodies itself in a way, but I thought that it was going down hill from there, then it made me appreciate it so much more at the end.
Heh, I've been meaning to check that out since I played the related game on NewGrounds (perhaps where you were introduced to it as well?)... Looks pretty cool...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
lol, yeah that's where I was introduced to it. The game itself was awesome but I didn't check out the comics until yesterday, then I got hooked and ended up reading them all (Some way to spend your 21st birthday, but everyone's up in NY till easter and I'm in florida)

Anyway I love the show dexters lab and this comic just renewed that love, so was inspired to create a sprite of it!

Love it, hate it, it's still beautiful... lol

In response to The Naked Ninja
Does'nt Mojo Jojo look like beast boy?
In response to FireBallHatePeace
Yeah I thought the same thing. When I first saw weasel, I had no idea who or what he was..0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Heh, I didn't notice the Mojo-Beast Boy thing until you mentioned it... But yeah, there is a definite resemblance... Must be caused by the more humanoid look he gave his facial features (and likely, the look was inspired by Teen Titans, as he is apparently a fan of that as well)...

I love all of the cameos so far, though... It took me until *just now* to figure it out, but one of the girls at school is the kid from Johnny Bravo (and then came Billy and Mandy)

I can't wait to see more (*possible spoiler* I'm only up to the part where Zim was introduced, after the "Darkstar Council" kidnapped Mojo)
In response to The Naked Ninja
Nice! Now draw his