I wish to start learning Visual Basic.
I have already started making a few programs with Window Microsoft Visual Basic Express '05, but am havning a few problems.

No pay involved, but you will be helping out a fellow BYONDer!
It's nothing really major, just a few questions when I need help.
If you have VB Express I'd simply suggest learning C# (You can get the compiler for it free just like the VB one, from the same place. Or you can use SharpDevelop.) instead of VB, it's more powerful and people don't cringe when you mention something was made with it.
i would he;p you but i can't beacuse i don't know visual basic
Post questions ;)

In response to Kujila
Well, Kajika, I need help on the following:

Interpet the weather from a page.
How would I define a global variable? (Like for the weather, having the settings in a "settings.txt" file:


(Basicly, how to read and write data into a txt file)
I got that for my notes, but I can't figure out how to tell it to overwrite the information in the txt file.

Do you have AIM? It would be easier.
chris062689 AIM
[email protected] MsN
Pager Also On.
In response to Flame Sage
Look up info on reading and writing an XML file in visual basics, surely there is a tutorial for it somewhere. The reason I recommend XML is because it is a great format for info and it can be edited outside of the program if needed, while not having to worry about forgetting something like a ;.
In response to Scoobert
Well, I also have a kind of annoyance.

I have this code here:
    Private Sub mediaplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mediaplay.Click
Dim filename As String
lbl_alert.Text = "Currently Playing: UNKNOWN"
End Sub

1) I don't know how to return what file the user has selected from the ShowDialog() I want it to become the filename variable.
2) Is there anyway to have it run WMP in the background?
And could I add in buttons that would control it? (Play, Pause, etc.)
Also: How would I grab the information from the mp3?
(Like what song is named, author, album, etc.)