I guess its random news who knows... Changed the layout because I got bored out of my mind. I like it rather simple but works well so ill no doubt keep it until I get bored with it again. On another note I hear that sirus just found out his uni started this week and not next week so hes already missed three days of school.
Now I dont know about you guys but I find that funny. I guess my humor is a bit twisted. It also seems things are calming down in BYOND around the Pokemon area of it so thats always good. Seems like every other time we turn around we are at war with our own staff members or some other game or at a friends neck with a knife for some reason or another...
I really havent had to much time to make a bunch of posts on here or just rant about random things then again now a days there isnt much to talk about. Atleast not for a long post I mean sure you have a random rant like this that you can smash like ten rants into one long post but it seems rather dull to do something like that. An it seems more of a waste of time an space if you dont atleast have the post atleast long enough you need to scroll a bit. I mean I go on some of the blogs here around the BYOND members area an every now an then I see blogs that have a post thats only one or two lines long. I dont see how people can post so little an be happy with it.
If your going to go on a rant or post atleast make it some what long so people dont waste there time coming to your blog. I mean after all every time someone posts something the blog area on the memebers homepage shows that someone posted something. If you ask me that really isnt what should happen but you know who am I to judge the system. If you ask me the people that are active posters an blogers should maybe get posted up there but in most cases it shouldnt be up if people want to listen to you rant on an on they should be friends not random people just looking for something to read on the homepage of the members area...
Then again I guess it could be worse it could be forums an not a blog but that would be hell... So yah also I saw that proboards now has a built in chat system I thought that was kind of cool because now you dont need to like load apps into your forums to have chats but it be just as much of a pain to switch over to it for some people so I guess for people starting off its kind of a cool option. I wonder if at some point BYOND plans on adding a members chat area or something to that effect to make keep people from like bloging random lame posts.
Though you know what really qualifies as a lame or short post. I mean if it makes you laugh or something then I guess it got the point by the person if they laughed right? However I still think blog posts should atleast be longer then a few lines. Atleast a paragraph maybe three that to me seems like something worth posting but meh I guess we all have our own way of doing things.
Jumping gears here I think BYOND needs to come up with a better way of doing the layout an what not I mean sure its nice to have an adv user option for people that want to waste time editing the css an what not. Though if you ask me I think BYOND needs some kind of browser based cgi or something that allows you to click the bar or area an get a list of options. Like example you click the header for this main menu box.
It give you something like Text color, Font, Background color then also give you a few options like maybe transparent, border etc.. Something that would make it easy for people that dont know anything about css much less hex colors to even do it them selfs. I mean sure they have a few things down near the default css that explains it all but stil if you ask me its just being kind of lazy in not making an interface that is user friendly with almost mindless editing.
Then again im sure they are not done with the members area an might plan on doing something to that effect later on when they have more time an are not so focused on the client update. Im sure if someone wanted to make a stand alone the BYOND staff might even use it to help out users never know. Stuff more odd then that has happened before for example AOL is now a free client so long as you have an internet connection. Now who would have thought a company as large as AOL going free? Then again I guess with sbc monopolizing the internet an taking over most of the internet with the 12 bucks a month for dsl internet would cut back on AOL's funds.
All I know is AOL accounts are free now an so is the client. Not that id ever download an use that crap. I mean sure some tools in AOL are not that bad like the computer fixy thing isnt all that bad.. I cant remember the stupid keyword so shush.... Anyway that seemed to work well an back when I was on AOL I liked the IM option but the thing was so damn slow an took up so much cpu. I liked AOL an I hardly disconnected unless I was flooded. In most cases it ran great for hours on end but as soon as I updated to dsl an had the option to still run AOL I uninstalled it before I even ran it again. To be honest AOL's client is way to much of a cpu an ram hog to run on a computer an if you have a pick between not running it or running it an could pick without it effecting your internet in most cases you would go with no AOL.
Again shifting gears here the new MSN Live I dont know about all of you but I think it sucks more then AOL. Why you ask? Simple iv ran into a few little bugs with the new 7.5 MSN Live for example if someone with an old version of MSN an MSN Plus sends you a message over the char limit of MSN it will crash MSN. What in the hell kind of BS is that? It doesnt stop there oh no now with this great new layout comes a 100meg more ram jump an a 5 to 50% more cpu jump from the old 7.0. I myself run 7.0 an have the install files so I never need to switch to live. I was happy with 7.0 even if it had the nudge bug to be honest it was one of the best versions of MSN I have ever seen come out yet.
So I dont see whats so great about the new MSN Live.. With more bells comes more cpu an ram usage an even if your computer can support it like mine can not a issue for me it still sucks to be bumped offline because someone sent you a long message im sorry but that just doesnt fly with me.
It seems that this post that once started off as a bunch of small rants turned into a few rants an a few that are short but mostly all of them are long. Its odd when you start typing you dont really know what to put but then you get going on a few topics an next thing you know your typing five pages on a few rants an for the few lucky people in this world they can get on any topic an rant about it for pages just because they are good at blogging an ranting. I wish I was like that but im not. I honestly tried posting atleast once every day or every other day on some of my old blogs an it blew up in my face because I never had enough to talk about. So I tried it every week that again blew up in my face.
It seems the only time I ever really rant on an on is when I come on to really rant about something so I kind of envy the people that can just start ranting about anything random right off the top of there head I think its kind of cool. Then again most of thoughs people spend hours on myspace an what not just writing loads an loads of posts etc. Honest I dont see whats up with this myspace trend....
I myself have no myspace account an have never been on myspace for longer then ten minutes to read something im being forced to I have maybe been to myspace like ten times last year an maybe twice this year. I dont see how something like that can really take off becuase sure you can find people to talk to an stuff like that but unless they are really interesting its boring as hell to talk to them an in most cases people on myspace are kids or teens. An well both kids an teens are more into flame wars then talking. Plus I dont see a need to sign into some random page to hear about this girl an how her life sucks beyond words.
My life sucks as is I dont need to here about someone elses life an how it sucks in most cases what they think of as sucks really is just because they dont get to have something there way. Then again some people have vaild points on myspace an what not so yah I dont know I just dont see how sitting at a computer for hours on end is a good way to meet like billions of friends you will never get to see face to face. Why not just hang out after school or find some friends around town it seems more fun to me then again im kind of an outgoing person even if it doesnt seem like it a good amount of the time.
Why is it there are never any good games online anymore other then the few you have already played? It seems every time I go looking for a new game to play an get into its something I have played or its just flippin retarded. I mean sure you have the few games that are like cool to play like matrix online an what not but they want 23 bucks a month I dont think so... For that much you can just go buy a damn movie to watch or something. Yes iv tried runescap in fact I was playing it for a friend like yesterday night that crap is so boring I almost passed out playing. Its like listening to grandma complain to you about how you need to put your shirt in your pants an then not letting up on it because you wont do it so you hear it for hours.
Oh also on some other news BRI was disbanded so yah I wish them the best of luck with whatever it is they plan on doing now seeing as it almost seems like they have just stopped using BYOND all together then again I guess that kind of happens to most small type businesses you just never hear about them. Though most of the time they shut down because lack of funds or something in this case BRI shut down because its owner just didnt want to run it anymore. So I guess it was a kind of odd shut down in a way who knows they might come back at some point...
Anyway I guess im done typing im sure I killed someone with this post knowing most people they stopped reading it because AOL signs in faster then they could read this whole post... o.O....
![]() Feb 21 2007, 7:33 pm
![]() Feb 21 2007, 7:59 pm
I don't know what to say except you're absolutely right about MSN Live. XD It SUCKS. ASS. Not to mention a pain in the ass. I get kicked off just by someone sending me a damn file. I guess I'm just too lazy to install an older version. o.O But yeah, it sucks. And that post is so long I think I might be old enough to drink now. XD
Aol is a Ram hog I totally agree and their checkup Key word is: Computer Checkup I believe lol. And I totally agree with you about the Newest Msn. It is a real Ram hog and I'm glad I had the old install files so I could put 7.0 back on. I have a MySpace account but I spend alot less time on it then most of the people on my list do. They spend hours on end posting bullitens and talking to each other and I'm like just send me a message on msn or something if you want to talk to me. And then you get these crazy people who only want to add you to their page so you can be a number for them so they can see who can get the most friends and turn around and sell thier account on ebay for like 200$. I've seen it done it's crazy. I mean whats up with that? Lol. Thanks for the Rant, you gave me a reason to rant too xD
MissMeMe wrote:
Aol is a Ram hog I totally agree and their checkup Key word is: Computer Checkup I believe lol. And I totally agree with you about the Newest Msn. It is a real Ram hog and I'm glad I had the old install files so I could put 7.0 back on. I have a MySpace account but I spend alot less time on it then most of the people on my list do. They spend hours on end posting bullitens and talking to each other and I'm like just send me a message on msn or something if you want to talk to me. And then you get these crazy people who only want to add you to their page so you can be a number for them so they can see who can get the most friends and turn around and sell thier account on ebay for like 200$. I've seen it done it's crazy. I mean whats up with that? Lol. Thanks for the Rant, you gave me a reason to rant too xD Lol wtf, people sell their Myspace accounts?! What would drive anyone to buy a Myspace account that has a lot of friends? Some loser I guess. o.o I have a Myspace account by the way, I use it on and off. In my opinion it's only fun for a few days and then you just forget about it. And then some of my friends got all annoyed that I stopped going on and the spam friend requests were piling up. XD But that's Myspace for ya. |
ShadowLera wrote:
I don't know what to say except you're absolutely right about MSN Live. XD It SUCKS. ASS. Not to mention a pain in the ass. I get kicked off just by someone sending me a damn file. I guess I'm just too lazy to install an older version. o.O But yeah, it sucks. And that post is so .long I think I might be old enough to drink now. XD Nope sorry your still not old enough maybe the extended rant? :) An yes the msn live sucks.. XD MissMeMe wrote: Aol is a Ram hog I totally agree and their checkup Key word is: Computer Checkup I believe lol. And I totally agree with you about the Newest Msn. It is a real Ram hog and I'm glad I had the old install files so I could put 7.0 back on. I have a MySpace account but I spend alot less time on it then most of the people on my list do. They spend hours on end posting bullitens and talking to each other and I'm like just send me a message on msn or something if you want to talk to me. And then you get these crazy people who only want to add you to their page so you can be a number for them so they can see who can get the most friends and turn around and sell thier account on ebay for like 200$. I've seen it done it's crazy. I mean whats up with that? Lol. Thanks for the Rant, you gave me a reason to rant too xD wth... Iv never heard of people selling myspace accounts on ebay much less buying them for friends... If that be the case ill make a myspace account right now an get a crap load of friends o.o.... xD That seems rather stupid do people really buy the accounts? |
I'm only going to respond to your concern that people don't put enough meat in their member page comments, because that's as far as I read of both this and your update post (I'll explain why).
There's being contentless, and being concise. If you can get the point across in 1 paragraph rather than 3, why write 3? You're wasting even more of a reader's time if you stretch something out for the sake of being long, because it's still possible to have paragraphs and paragraphs of words and not have anything interesting to say anyway. :/ If things get dragged out too long, then you'll lose the reader's attention. |
Sarm wrote:
I'm only going to respond to your concern that people don't put enough meat in their member page comments, because that's as far as I read of both this and your update post (I'll explain why). Yah I guess but in most cases people dont even get to the point much less have anything to say like some people just post like "Well im back!" an thats it. To me it seems rather pointless I rather spend the time to read something long then something short with no point at all. :P An thanks for reading it all an sorry if it was boring to you. |
Pheonix Cat wrote:
Omfg. xD How do you POSSIBLY keep interested in this post for that long!? I guess some people find it interesting an others dont. I was just ranting I dont know if anyone would take an interest to it or not but meh I guess it just depends on the person. |
Oh yeah I've seen people that have thousands of friends on thier myspace list turn around and sell it on Ebay. This guy I know sold his page for almost 200$. I told him he was crazy and that the person who bought it was an idiot lol.
MissMeMe wrote:
Oh yeah I've seen people that have thousands of friends on thier myspace list turn around and sell it on Ebay. This guy I know sold his page for almost 200$. I told him he was crazy and that the person who bought it was an idiot lol. Why would someone buy an account? |