Dunno if you're still around, but I'm in a game right now that has the best "RPG mechanics" I've ever played. It's simple, it's straight-forward, and it allows very easily for GM abstractions of situations without offering complicated rules. I don't know what system it's based off of, but the game I'm playing is called "7th Sea". The setting is a Renaissance Era European world that is like an alternate universe of ours, but where magic is real, etc.
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First of all, D&D Online is very much unlike other MMORPGs. It's enough unlike other MMORPGs that they could, like Guild Wars, decide to arbitrarily give it a new label if they wanted. It also feels uncannily very much like D&D, and in this way I was very happy with it. I wouldn't frown on the lack of dungeon-making tools; D&D is innovative, and it is unique.
That being said, I will not be buying it. I feel this game is either severely rushed or under-staffed, because the lack of content is dazzling. By the time you get to a high enough level, you literally -- this is not any kind of an exaggeration -- have to do the same quests over a few times to get enough experience to go to the next level. Now, the developers say that it's an intentional game design: you beat a dungeon on an easy skill level and then beat it again on a harder one. I say that it's stupid, and I won't be buying the game! Maybe it is exactly the way they want it, but I think it's silly that anyone would desire to create a game that utilizes such game play. I can only think that it did not receive enough time or laborers to create the amount of playable content needed to allow a player to play every quest only once with one character. Playing them again with another character is no problem for me, but having to redo quests with the same character just to gain XP is something you will never catch me doing. The stress test didn't let on to this, because there wasn't enough time to get high enough level to discover this oddity; it doesn't really occur before level five. And yes, there have already been released public statements that the game will be released in this fashion, and that it is intentional.
=$= Big J Money =$=