Thats the problem, people think because the touch screen is there it should be used for touching. Mario Kart makes use of the second screen fine, just because it doesnt use the touch functions of it doesnt make it crap.
Like Nintendo said, the touch screen just adds MORE capabilities; the games are not MEANT to be made solely around touch screen gameplay.
Exaclty, and if games were made to use the touch screen for everything would suck. Animal Crossing has a nice ammount of touch screen usage, and you dont need to use it if you dont want.
Yoshi Touch and Go on the other hand, uses it alot. And, it seems rather well thought out. I didnt enjoy it much though. :( |
Irrelevant question. The person playing the game liked the controls, and that's what counts. I asked you if you played the game or not 2 posts ago, and you haven't said weither you played it or not. You said that the Touch Screen is a good feature, and looked like a good feature because it looked like your friend was enjoying it, so i asked you, did you play the game. I'm just going to say, no. Which you still can't provide concrete examples of. Touch screen actually serves as a distraction from the game itself, such as when i play Mario, which gives you a map, and lets you do many creative things there, but i would much rather play Mario Kart for the Game Cube, rather than MArio Kart for the DS. If it's 3 to 1, the 1 is still in the minority. =P Actually, it's 1 to 1 unless you count Shades, the rest of the posts only stated that Wario Ware was Godly. |
Divine Apprentice wrote:
I asked you if you played the game or not 2 posts ago, and you haven't said weither you played it or not. You said that the Touch Screen is a good feature, and looked like a good feature because it looked like your friend was enjoying it, so i asked you, did you play the game. I'm just going to say, no. You're right, I didn't; and my post was intended to imply that. That doesn't invalidate anything I'm saying, however. Touch screen actually serves as a distraction from the game itself Oh, I absolutely know what you mean. That's why I don't use a keyboard, mouse, joystick, gamepad, or any other input device when playing PC games. such as when i play Mario, which gives you a map, and lets you do many creative things there, but i would much rather play Mario Kart for the Game Cube, rather than MArio Kart for the DS. So creativity is bad now? And the map suddenly isn't part of the game simply because it's on a touch screen? Actually, it's 1 to 1 unless you count Shades I didn't bother to count (and I'm still not bothering). Arguing over numbers like this is pointless anyway because a sample this small isn't statistically significant. the rest of the posts only stated that Wario Ware was Godly. Given the fact that the game in question uses the touch screen EXTENSIVELY, those opinions would seem to disagree with your assertion that the touch screen was a poorly thought out and unnecessary gimmick. If Wario Ware uses the touch screen extensively and is "godly", then that implies that the use of the touch screen cannot be a bad thing. |
Animal Crossing uses the touchscreen quite well for most menu handling, which is pretty big in a game like that cause you've got mail, inventory, custom wallpaper designer, also when your out of the inventory you can use the touchscreen to guide your character around
Apparently the new HM game too, you need to stroke your animals with the touch screen, and in Nintendogs, I'm not sure, but I swear I saw my friend using it to stroke her dog or something (its quite funny to watch her call her dog to, through the mic)
I think the screen is what I'm gonna buy the DS for. It makes that much more interactivbl-whatever, can't spell it. Plus I wanna try out this Animal Crossing people keep talking bout. Sounds good. =D And I gotta go coz I just realise I dunno where my ring is. *runs away screaming about how her finger feels naked without it* D= |
I think the idea behind it is being able to have your hands free, nintendo just realized that's what people need.
Think of sitting in an arm chair and being able to relax your arms on the arm rests. It's brilliant. |
don't know where you're going with this one, the touch screen was huge success.
Nintendogs is one of the most brilliant games made this last year. Mario kart ds, animal crossing, and a bunch of other games (although they don't depend on the touch screen) are AAA quality and sold insanely well. they even have a game that has you pulling pieces of glass out of skin after you make a cut on the persons apendage... it's brilliant in every way for a first try technology for gaming. |
Let me put in about a dozen votes in favor of the touch screen. I'll give each one an explanation:
My vote: I've played Wario Ware for the DS and I love it. I played it for the Game Cube, and it's even better now. That game is so cool, I may buy my own DS just so I can play it more often. The touch-screen is part of what makes the new one so amazing; it puts you right in the action. My niece's vote: she's 5 and she got a DS for christmas. The touch screen is so easy that even she can play video games and have a great time. She mostly plays this one game with a puppy in it. She can pet the puppy, give it treats, etc, all with the touch screen, which she thinks is *so* cool! She can also give it commands, praise, etc, through the microphone. My nephew's vote: he is 9 and he plays the puppy game, but he plays Mario games and Prince of Persia more. I've watched him play them all and, though I've never tried them, he has great fun with them and they look very entertaining to me. 3 of his good friends have DSes, they all love theirs and convinced him to save his allowance for one, so he counts as 4 votes. 6 of my friends have DSes. They play Wario Ware, Prince of Persia, and a bunch of other games that I havn't played and don't recognies (well, I know they play Mario Kart a good deal, I recognise that one having played Mario Kart for years). I'll put in one vote for each of them, since they all are Playstation converts (they were skeptical of the DS until one of them got it as a gift, and they caught on from there). That's 12 odd votes. Just thought I'd pitch 'em in there for good measure. |
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Everybody basicly knows that the Nintendo Revolution's controller is alot different from any controller ever made, so its very easy to spot someone copying off of them. Here's a PS2 controller that "coincidentally" looks similar to the Revolution controller. Uh, I wouldn't make claims like this. You haven't paid any attention to the fact that Nintendo could have JUST as easily taken the idea from Sony; Sony is a bit less open with their new ideas than Nintendo is, so Nintendo might have just been the ones that announced this new design first. These ideas could have been around for a long time and even come up by some third party before Sony OR Nintendo. |
A controller for the PS2, which (the system) has been out for quite a while now...versus a controller idea that Nintendo was working with since they started the Revolution. Which sounds more like it came first? :-/
Funny thing, Sony didn't make this controller, a third party hardware design company did.
Rightly so, PirateHead.
Let's face it- anything someone might say against the DS's touchscreen is wrong! |
If it's 3 to 1, the 1 is still in the minority. =P
Irrelevant question. The person playing the game liked the controls, and that's what counts.
Which you still can't provide concrete examples of.