Finally, the peripheral we've been waitin for. Some said it wouldn't happen, and others kept their hopes up(I know I did). Now, I can get online with my DS for hours...Onyl downside is that it might costs a bit much, btu ti will be well worth it.
I can't wait for Gyakuten Saiban 4. =)
But, man, did they have to give Tingle a game?
In response to Hell Ramen
Heh, seems dumb even though I'm not too familiar with the Zeldan mapmaker.
I hope our local starbucks becomes a Wifi Hotspot =D
In response to DarkCampainger
Well with that it says it can hook up to any Nintendo hotpsot, so you shouldn't have to depend on starbucks.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Ah, that sounds cool i mean like being able to play with like random people on a bus or some other place would be cool
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
You can use a regular router too, so you don't need to buy the DS attachment.
In response to FireEmblem
I think I'll still get it, so I won't have to worry about byond hosting problems, setup, and etc.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
The guy at my local GameStop was telling me that Nintendo plans to have 90% of players who own Mario Kart DS go online at least once =D

Animal Crossing DS is going to be awsome with simultaneous multiplayer online =D

Oh man I can't wait!! I think I'm just gonna build a time machine and go into the future so I don't have to XD
In response to DarkCampainger
Heh..There are too many good games coming out..I'm already trying to get some of the DS rpgs but I cnat because of Tenkaichi coming out. Then after that, I can't get others because Mario Kart(the first online game) is coming out..Too many wants...>_<
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I got Lost in Blue, and although at first I kept dieing and it was annoying, once I got my fishing pole, it was awsome =D

But if my fishing pole breaks.... *Cries at the thought*
In response to DarkCampainger
Man..I can't get it..XD Theres a list of DS games I want..But can't :

Trauma Center
Lost in Blue
Trace Memory
Advance Wars
Phoenix Wright
Animal Crossing
The Sims 2
One Piece

And it goes on and on..>_<
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I saw the preview for Trauma Center =D
Looks awsome, I always wanted to cut someone open and then stitch them back up..

I saw Trace memory boxes at the Gamestop where I picked up Lost in Blue, it had a cool black box with a girl on it I think.

I liked the advanced wars commercial XD

Hey, if you get AC, we gotta find eachother online =D
In response to DarkCampainger
i might be lucky, I have a wifi router, so if ds is compatable I can see myself getting up on a saturday morning and playing mario kart ds
Ds wifi is also close to being fully hacked also. Tunneling may be close as well.


Castlevania:Dos is teh greatest.
In response to Nesso
Yeah, CV:DoS is awesome.
In response to Shinichi Kudo
God how much I wanted that game for the Gamecube.. Till I heard it'll never reach Europe. God was I sad, drooling at screenshots for hours at a time.
Now I've finally decided to stop wasting money on portable gamestations, AND YOU COME WITH THIS!

Oooh the agony..
In response to Nesso
Nesso wrote:
Ds wifi is also close to being fully hacked also. Tunneling may be close as well.


Castlevania:Dos is teh greatest.

WIFI is already hacked and tunneled if you pay attention to the scene, you can even update the internal bios so you can run homebrew without a bypass card via a program online, so youd have to have wifi for that..

Alof of people got impaient while installing the firmware update some guy made, and decide to try and stop it half way through, and brickifyed their DS, haha.

Anyways, I hope that the wifi USB plug for PCs will allow me to play Maior Kart at my house and stuff, I have 56K right now, but after Xmas I plan on getting DSL, still, It would be nice if I could play it online, even WITH Dial up.

I dont think it would be that hard, I play Final Fantasy XI with almost no notiible lag on my dial up connection.

Hey did you see those games on the list? RAINBOW ISLANDS DS! YESSS! I USED TO PLAY THAT FOR HOURS AND HOURS ON END WITH MY MOM. (when I was younger.)

I also read they are possibly planning on a Kid Icirus and even a Little Nemo DS. God, thatd be so awesome!

In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
I hope our local starbucks becomes a Wifi Hotspot =D

That would mean wireless coverage for every inch of the nation.
That site claims:
The price is still unknown for North America, but Nintendo Europe will be selling the adapter for 30 pounds ($53).

If it is comparable over here, you might as well just get the wireless router. You can get wireless routers for less than half that price.