No by all means Sony is a great company and they will always have my money, along with Nintendo, but unless I CANT pirate it, thats the only time M$ will ever get any of my money.
The thing that pisses me off about Sony is how often they like to twist the truth around, or not actully lie, but try to lead you on.
There was a number of times, they showed footage of some hyped up video games, where millions of people throught it was actully game play footage, and later everyone found out it was a FMV only.
Now Sony never actully said it was gameplay footage, but they didn't say it was a FMV either, they could have just said, this is a in game video.
Another thing Sony is good for, is fakeing shortages when a new system comes out. That way the price sky rockets and demand is great. Then when they get more supplys in, they sell like crazy.
Sony just did it with the UK. they had more then enough supplys, but they held back for months, and then when they did send the units to the UK, they still didn't send them enough. There has been rumored shortages all over the place.
Then, to add injury to insult, Sony is great for pushing products out early. Every system they have released, has always had a problem, bad controllers, bad screens, bad lasers, corrupt OS and Firmware Flases.. All sorts of crap.
Then even in the Sony manual, they say burnt out pixels, is a normal thing in LCD electronics. Don't make me laugh, when you pay $250.00 for the Sony PSP and you open it up and find 150 burnt out pixels on the screen, thats not right.
I have been buying LCD products for a LONG time, and Sony is the FIRST ever system I ever had a problem with that, I had to return 3 systems before I got a good one. Not only that, there are lots of rumors that systems even came with dust under the screens.
Heck, I have a Turbo GFX Express, since they first came out and I dont have one bad pixel on the screen.
Ive never had any problems with Nintendo with that at all.
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Every company over hypes thier product, it is part of thier marketing stratigy. Nintendo does it too.
I am tired of seeing people bash sony. They have a great console, with some great games. It is a little underpowered in todays console market, but only because it was, by far, the first of its generation. It still works great today. On top of that, I have never had it slow down on me after hours of playing like I have my X-Box. Don't get me wrong, I like some things about the GameCube too, like some of the titles, but not enough to go buy one. The X-Box....X-Box.... 86 it for all I care. It was a failed console, at least in my eyes. Most games for it are released onto other consoles, and the few exclusive titles they have are not that great. Halo 2, that game was crap. It gave you half the features of any major FPS, a clunky control system(Not too bad for console, I will note), and pay-2-play online gaming(X-Box Live Required).
I am not trying to start a flame, I am just saying, there is nothing wrong with the ps2, or the sony company. They give quality products at resonable prices. It is not perfict, I don't pretend it is, but xbox and GameCube have thier flaws too.