I am looking to get ahead in my PC classes in school, which I already am by knowing, HTML,DM and ZZT. None of those besides HTML is really usable with other things..

Now what I want to learn is BASIC so I can then learn C..but I can't find a free BASIC tutorial/compiler...

Any help?
are you looking to learn like C++ or C# because thouse can me found on the microsoft or msdn websites
In response to Pyromaniac4382
I am looking for a BASIC compiler.
Wow, I just started learning BASIC and it is extremly easy(for now at least). Man, this could be a big break through!
In response to Sniper Joe
Im not saying i've ever tried it or I would be able to but. The name does kind of give that away, dont you think eh?
In response to Visionzzzz
Meh, it gets harder.

Now I am stuck in a problem, so I might as well paste this for anyone who knows QBASIC.(Yes, I changed to QBASIC)

TYPE Player
Name$ = ""
PRINT "Welcome to Guess or Die!"
INPUT "Please enter your name"; Player.Name$
PRINT "First Question..What is 1+1?", Question1%
IF Question1% = 2 THEN
PRINT "Correct! 10 Points."
Player.Score 10

Don't go BASIC. Really, it is a bad idea. Why not start with a scripting language that is actualy useful, like python.
In response to Sniper Joe
You're missing an END IF at the end there. =)

Heh, QBasic... fond memories. It's a very limited language, though.

There is, or used to be, a free version of Visual Basic (the restriction was that didn't compile EXEs) - you might be able to find it hanging around somewhere. But VB is icky.

If you're looking for a good beginner-type language, Python (as mentioned) is a nice high-level language.
In response to Crispy

It might be 'easy to learn' but it has the aesthetic effect of a road accident involving a manure truck. Of course, if you're not bothered about aesthetic quality, then I suppose it's probably a good language. But I like to like the look of what I program (Maestro excepted. Muahahaha. That's allowed to be ugly as sin).

I like Delphi/Object Pascal. I picked it up 2 years ago at school and have never looked back. It's logical, fairly simple and the newer versions (7 or later. I got 7 from a cd on a magazine cover) can cross-compile into Linux. If you can find it, get it.