What are your thoughts on it? Do you like it? Do you hate it? What parts do you like about it, what parts do you not?
Bringer of Flames wrote:
What are your thoughts on it? Do you like it? Do you hate it? What parts do you like about it, what parts do you not?

Good Game. Yes. No. Mainly the aspect of the creature. I'd have to say how hard it was to try and stay good.

Hopefully Black and White 2 will be extremely good.

It was good, but I lost interest very fast. It was very tempting to turn evil. (My ape ate people for the fun of it)
In response to Makubezu
Yeah, its pathetic, really... I simply couldn't keep my powers up any longer in the second land :/ I lost when trying to snatch the second villages belief. -_-
In response to Scoobert
I wanted to burn the hell out of the villages with a fireball throughout the entire time I played ,but I had enough self-control not to. >.>
Yeah it's an awesome game. I like how you can teach your creature things and it would learn to do them (lol like telling it not to eat rocks & trees and to eat village people or food instead). It will be neat to see how the second one goes...
In response to Wanabe
My creature refused to learn how to not eat rocks....
Hey, whatever, its a great game.