I have seen pretty weird keys on byond. So I have just made a post and here everyone can post how they might of got their key name for byond.

I got my key name from a game named Counter-Strike. My original CS name was killa storm but I got bored of the name so I went to my friends list to look at some names to give me ideas. I have two best friends which they both are twins. One of their names were Calus and the other was CoRPS. At first I thought, hmmm CoRPS Calus? Then I changed it to Calus CoRPS. So when I finally found out about byond I used Calus CoRPS as my key. Now since I have gotten into programming I may create a new key and change it to my real name.

->Calus CoRPS<-
This has already been brought up before, if I remember correctly. Try a forum search if you want to see a bunch of the results that the old thread got.

As for mine, Loduwijk was the name I chose for my main role playing character. I ended up just using it for everything.
In response to Loduwijk
Yeah man search the forum. I posted this already and its a big thread.

In response to Jiskuha
Ok sorry for wasting everyones time. I will now search before I post.

->Calus CoRPS<-