anybody know how to get it to work, is there a built in form designer and editor available.I have python 2.4.1 and im really confused every time i open a file nothing happens. what do i do?
Find and run IDLE, which is the development environment that comes with Python. By default, you can get to it like this: Start->Programs->Python 2.4->IDLE (Python GUI).

Python programs are command-line by default. I recommend you get used to programming command-line programs at first. When you want to get into displaying windows and things, check out wxPython (the Python version of wxWidgets). You have to specify the GUI in code - there's no standard "form designer" of the type popularised by Visual Basic.

There is a project called wxGlade which provides a VB-style form designer for wxPython, but I haven't used it.
In response to Crispy
In most programming languages (including Python) coding can be done just using any old text editor. IDLE is basically that, it has a couple of extra features like a builtin shell and debugger. It's actually pretty dodgie in my opinion and if you are comfortable with testing your programs from the command-line it is probably better to use a different, general-purpose programmer's editor (there are many - I use SciTE in Windows and Nedit in Linux).

Python programs are command-line by default. I recommend you get used to programming command-line programs at first.
Yes. In most languages apart from dumbed-down things like VB, graphical stuff is quite a bit more difficult (for those unused to it) and it is best to have a good grip on the language itself before attempting it.

There is a project called wxGlade which provides a VB-style form designer for wxPython
Well, it's only vaguely VB-style. Someone used to VB would find it rather odd since you design your frame (wxPython term for "form") by arranging it into grids and placing down special "sizer" controls. While being slightly more difficult to do at first, this has the big advantage that your window will be resizable, and it won't have that unprofessional feel to it that is so common in VB programs.
In response to BobOfDoom
NotePad2 is a good editor that supports a lot of different languages. Worth a try.