In response to Artekia
Sure used to play Gunbound. Hmmm, is it as hard to get EQ on Gunz as it is on Gunbound? Thats part of the reason why I quit.
In response to Shades
It's a little less hard, I personally think.

The main issue for me is getting the ranks (levels) for the kinds of items I want. There's an uber leet cloak-robe-matrix style thingy I want, but it's for rank 20. :(

By the time I'm rank 20, I'll probably be able to afford any existing item. >.>

.....Dumb abysses. (abyssi? o.O)
In response to Sniper Joe
Hey, everyone! Is Clan Phenix still around from back in the day? Yes, they did spell it like that I think I know they didn't spell it right!
In response to Artekia
Well, is anyone still in for a BYOND exclusive clan? :p
In response to Shades
I am in! I just found out ITS EXPENIVE TO MAKE ONE!!!
If ya end up creating a BYOND clan i'd love to join :-P. I'm currently level six.
In response to Sniper Joe
im level 14 and i wanna be int he clan join server four and private channel byond if you see it :)
Steven3428 wrote:
well let me rephrase my post and say "I can be a master in a game without noticable lag with up to eight people on dial-up" is that better?


- Steven

Yes. ;)

What I'm trying to say is that playing someone with a dial up is *really* annoying. Once in a game, me and 5 others unloaded entire clips into this one guy- but because his connection sucked, he actually survived.

It's annoying when someone's shooting you and due to the tangled matrixical mess of the interweb, you can't shoot them.
In response to Ol' Yeller
I'd ather like, Beyond BYONDers.

Is it just me or do they still have that login bug?
In response to Elation
"What I'm trying to say is that playing someone with a dial up is *really* annoying. Once in a game, me and 5 others unloaded entire clips into this one guy- but because his connection sucked, he actually survived."

Hmm yes that is annoying. I'm on a T1 connection and unless i'm the "master" of the server everyone else has no connection except for maybe 1-2 rarely but they can only interact with me and not the other people that are "lagged" but yet I can see all their messages about deaths and kills and such. It is annoying. I am assuming it's a server problem or a bug because i've heard of this "999 ping" bug thing and (almost always) everyone else usualy has 999 ping unless i'm the master. I hope they fix this bug soon cause I cannot kill anyone. I unload entire clips upon one person and no damage is done. Other than that I really do enjoy this game but I wish I could play it properly :-).
In response to Wanabe
I also play this. <_< Although everybody else I know levels four times faster than I do, in a quarter of the time. Go figure. :P

Usual name to go by is Yimarra, favorite server, I dunno, maybe 4 or 3 as far as the new ones go. (Sucked getting in with only one server.) Favorite weapons, Dual Revolvers, Shotgun.

Just drop me a /w if you think I'm on and I'll start..doing..stuff. >_> Or something, if I'm there.
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