Apr 10 2005, 5:33 pm
Does anyone know were I can go to build a free website?
In response to Artekia
Yes, on your own computer! Download a webserver application and set it up, then go to one of the free subdomain name locations on the 'net and set one up.
After that, you have your own free website with tons of space that you can put anything on and have full control over. Another upside is that your site will have no ads! Unless you want to put them there to make money, that is. If you have a decent computer you don't mind leaving on all day every day; fast, unlimited 'net access; and you want to put up a few dollars per year you can put of a great website that you can be proud of. |
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
go to one of the free subdomain name locations on the 'net and set one up. Like (my preference) or, for example. Hosting your own server is an educational experience, but it may not be convenient for many people; reliable uptime can be hard to maintain in a home environment. |
In response to Ryne Rekab
Ryne Rekab wrote:
Those both suck. Hostultra isn't so great either, and if you're running on IE and go to a hostultra site without a popup blocker it can give you some pretty big problems. |
In response to Crispy
I can attest to that. I run from my home PC. I used to run it on an old 500mhz dell, but I have been having troubles with getting a good file sharing system up (smb has been a real pain, no luck with FTP), so scoobsoft is running off my main PC, which gets restarted quite a bit, showdown at night from time to time, and put into windows on occation. So it is down about 1/3 of the time. It is convenent to be able to save directly to my site, no need for uploading. Thats why I want smb, you can mount smb shares in linux, and browse to them in windows, so no uploading, just direct saving.
In response to Loduwijk
Hey what do you mean download a web server application. Go to like and put that in and download one well I did that, and I'm not sure which one i'm suppose to.
In response to tidus123
You could try Appserv Network, it dows all the insatlling and setting up. All you need to do is save your files to the right directory.
In response to Loduwijk
Have a link to one of these webserver applications? i've been checking for a way to create a homeserver for way to long.
In response to Lalibo
all thoses suck
KtfccHosting can provide top Quality Webhosting ftp access 2 mysql databases 80mb of space 100mb of bandwidth page me or email me at [email protected] and order yours today! |
In response to Lalibo
There you go. Google is good for getting links. And if you wanna host peoples sites they will need FTP accses. sets up Apache, PHP , SQL, SQLite, FTP and a mail server + more. |
In response to Govegtos
Note the word "free".
Also, promoting your own business by insulting the competition is not a very good marketing strategy. Neither is forgetting to use punctuation and Misusing Capitalisation. Not to mention that your server-running skills don't exactly appear to be stellar... |
In response to Crispy
i'd suggest (if you are running windows) the link to apachefriends that Smoke made. also, if you want to 'roll your own' try out the BadBlue webserver at
In response to Lalibo
Lalibo wrote:
Have a link to one of these webserver applications? i've been checking for a way to create a homeserver for way to long. WebAmpIT is my dear server bundle of joy. It's made to be extremely easy to set up and manage (much easier than anything else IMO). Check it out: /Gazoot |
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Note the word "free". Who said it was my server when i am a reseller :) |
In response to Govegtos
So you expect your customers to pay you AND do all the work of managing a server, because you're not capable of doing so?
Forgive me if I don't purchase anything from you. |
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote: I had nothing but complications with the program, I can spend hours trying to find out how to allow anyone other then the local host to view the pages. ~Texter |
In response to Texter
Texter wrote:
I had nothing but complications with the program, I can spend hours trying to find out how to allow anyone other then the local host to view the pages. They have both worked for me. But then agin, some people can set cURL up on Xampp without any trouble, I follow their instrictions and it wont work for me. AppServNetwork is really simple to use, Ive only had one problem with it. And that was because I messed up the httpd.conf file while editing it. |