This dude came into my game named Byond Game Inspector. I also heard that he was in another game earlier today. When I looked at his key, it said it was forged he fake, real, or what? BTW, one of my gms banned him for "impersonating" a inspector..>_<
Sounds like a froad to me. There would have been an announcement.
In response to Ter13
Why would the BYOND mods need to "inspect" games? I find that stupid since they pretty much allow 99% privacy on your game.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
This dude came into my game named Byond Game Inspector. I also heard that he was in another game earlier today. When I looked at his key, it said it was forged he fake, real, or what? BTW, one of my gms banned him for "impersonating" a inspector..>_<

LOL I highly doubt it. But it would be funny if they were.
Yep, this joker was a fraud.

Incidentally, it's not uncommon to see a key name forged the next day. The reason is that the "forged on" date is I believe in GMT, not in BDT as it should be.

Lummox JR