I don't post much, but I was just reading the news and spotted this story. Not good news for me and the rest of the older members of BYOND. They expect prices to go higher as it gets warmer due to demand. I can say right now, I'll be walking a little more often if it starts getting out of my "comfort" zone.
http://www.cnn.com/money/2005/03/04/news/economy/gas_prices/ index.htm?cnn=yes
![]() Mar 4 2005, 10:00 am
![]() Mar 4 2005, 10:53 am
Oh no, gas might even get to $2 per gallon!!!! Shame it costs $5.50 per gallon over here in the UK? Dont complain =P
While that is ludicrous, the cities in the UK are usually a lot smaller, geographically, than cities in America, and so you guys don't usually have to drive as far to commune between work/school/wherever. I have a 20 mile drive to school every morning, and back, and thats 40 miles a day just doing that.
when prices go up, people complain, thats how things work. maybe there's a place that has even higher gas prices than you.
i dont drive much, but gas tends to be pretty cheap in my area anyway. edit: and i dont have to pump it myself =P |
Well I'm sure I will get some people out of U.S. or some U.S. saying we will complain, adjust, or that we are just lazy americans, etc... Although that may be true depending on who the person is. The fact of the matter is that it does suck. Gas where I live is going up and down around the two dollar mark. I have a car that gets good gas mileage, but I will walk off and on instead of driving if the prices go up to much.
-S2k |
Yeah, good thing that I got a new job at a gas station. Trust me, there are alot more "drive-offs" now that I'm working there. Ahahahahahaha.
Actually, no, the highest gas prices in the world are in the U.K. There was a study in Maclean's magazine a while back.
However, it should be mentioned that the price of fuel in the U.K. is primarily due to taxes. Canadian fuel prices are also a fair bit higher than U.S. prices, thanks to taxes, though nowhere near as restrictive as the U.K. Here in Vancouver, I receive three taxes. There's the Federal Environment Tax of 10 ¢/L, there's the Provincial Fuel Tax of 14.5 ¢/L, and then there's the Goods and Services Tax (non-fuel tax) of 7.00%. On my last filling (I only put in about a half-tank's worth), I paid $14.38 ($15, less a 3.5 ¢/L discount for being a member), and $5.25 of that was in taxes. The price per litre worked out to 82.7 ¢/L. I received 17.606 L of fuel (I have a 40-litre tank). U.S. conversions and exchanges are an exercise to the reader. |
Stealth 2k wrote:
I can say right now, I'll be walking a little more often if it starts getting out of my "comfort" zone. Maybe this is a good thing - if nobody can afford petrol, people will walk rather than drive. Atmospheric pollution from cars will be slashed, and the obesity epidemic in first-world countries will be significantly reduced. Everyone wins! ... No, I don't really believe that. I'm just searching for a silver lining. =) |
=P Yeah, it wouldn't be bad Crispy. But I can even admit most americans are to lazy to do that. I also live in a small town giving me a slight advantage.
Crispy wrote:
Atmospheric pollution from cars will be slashed, and the obesity epidemic in first-world countries will be significantly reduced. Everyone wins! Actually, contrary to people's beliefs & what all those darned Green Peace bastards want you to think, cars really don't emit that much pollutants, no more than a forest fire does (if not more). That, and I highly doubt it'd end the obesity problem. It'd just make us camp out (so to speak) on buying on bulk (Hello, wholesale clubs!). Other than that, there'll still be die-hard muscle car fans such as my self that would drive their 8 mpg hog even if the gas prices rose to $5.00+ just to gloat. =P |
Teh Governator wrote:
Actually, contrary to people's beliefs & what all those darned Green Peace bastards want you to think, cars really don't emit that much pollutants, no more than a forest fire does (if not more). Which is, in fact, a lot of pollution. =P Yes, forest fires are bad for the atmosphere. Car pollution is also bad the atmosphere. They're not mutually exclusive concepts. =) That, and I highly doubt it'd end the obesity problem. It'd just make us camp out (so to speak) on buying on bulk (Hello, wholesale clubs!). *cough*"... No, I don't really believe that. I'm just searching for a silver lining. =)"*cough* ;-) Other than that, there'll still be die-hard muscle car fans such as my self that would drive their 8 mpg hog even if the gas prices rose to $5.00+ just to gloat. =P There are always die-hards... but they're usually vastly outnumbered by everyone else. =) |
bah! bah! i say!
bah to gas-guzzlers anyway! better off with one of these: http://www.steintrikes.com/gal/varanka3.jpg http://www.steintrikes.com/gal/RoadSharkB9-3.jpg http://www.steintrikes.com/gal/herbertrs02.jpg http://www.steintrikes.com/gal/gomez2.jpg http://www.steintrikes.com/gal/magnum01.jpg http://greenspeed.com.au/ ...or maybe one of these? http://www.cab-bike.com/ http://www.go-one.de/ukindex.shtml http://www.aerorider.com/index.php?lang=en ..or, for those electrically inclined, one of these: http://www.twike.ca/ if everyone got off their butts, and limited gas-spending to heating and large trucks/trains, then you would not need to worry so much about gas prices. :) |
digitalmouse wrote:
if everyone got off their butts, and limited gas-spending to heating and large trucks/trains, then you would not need to worry so much about gas prices. But, then how could I drive my 500 HP muscle car to & from school? =\ That, and did I mention why I hate new cars? One: they sound disgusting, two: they're slow, three: they're ugly, four: no differences in innovations. |
Woah, Kusan...why don't you go to a closer school and give the environment a chance?
I walk a mile to and from school every day, and *that* is considered a lot (in my back water, rural English town). |
Grrr, let's just switch back to boilers :P
I'll be living in a dream worls if gas were to ever be cheaper. I'm wondering, are we still so low on gas because we aren't getting imports from iraq? Hasn't bush already proved his point that we aren't there for cheap oil? Because it seems like we aren't getting any oil from them. |
Except you guys don't have a bunch of annoying-assed middle aged guys making prices go higher because they all buy SUVs when they don't friggen need them.
Ok, alright, I'm just VERY anti-SUV. I mean, seriously people, do you really need that much room in your car, or do you just like your car to move with the efficiency of an 1800's train :\ |
I think the biggest problem for people is the fact that NOBODY walks. I HATE to walk, just because I end up having to walk 2 miles without seeing a single other person walking. It singles you out. That's how I look at it, anyways, not that I truely care... I just feel very uncomfortable being the only person on the sidewalks for miles. I feel sorry for kids who have to walk.
If more people jogged/walked places, I'd feel fine, because I wouldn't feel alone. Although, I do find it a bit extreme when people DRIVE to go only a block. |
Yeh, when everybody else drives, everywhere, your pretty much obligated to buy gas all the time, so we will still complain even if it isn't THAT bad, since we are pretty obligated to.
Kunark wrote:
...I mean, seriously people, do you really need that much room in your car, or do you just like your car to move with the efficiency of an 1800's train :\ yeah that kinda goes along with Governator's silly need for a muscle-car when your country's speed limits don't give you the chance to use all that horsepower. I mean, seriously people, you really need 500HP when 50HP will get you there in the same amount of time? :p |
Kunark wrote:
I think the biggest problem for people is the fact that NOBODY walks. I HATE to walk, just because I end up having to walk 2 miles without seeing a single other person walking. It singles you out. That's how I look at it, anyways, not that I truely care... I just feel very uncomfortable being the only person on the sidewalks for miles. I feel sorry for kids who have to walk. Wow, Kunark, you should give it a try! Try walking, maybe just back from school (going to school can make times a little tight for getting up on time, and so on). I find it a very solitary, calming time- sure, my heavy bag hurts like hell, but because my brain isn't worrying about interaction with another human in begins to brainstorm in intense levels. I come up with loads of great game ideas! (actually, once I nearly got hit by a car after wondering too near the middle of the road while lost in the opportunities of an entirely-player based economy). Then again, you may be a social person. Maybe you should invite a friend back to your house, and walk back with them. Take a detour down to the beach...let the romantic loving begin... Although, I do find it a bit extreme when people DRIVE to go only a block. Hell yes. These people should be shot. |