In response to Elation
Elation wrote:

You PSP-Lover.

Aw shucks.
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
What your talking about is the coveted Quest 64. It was reviewed horribly, but general concensus stands that it was great for a system launch game. Unless you want to count the Zelda's thats about it. Well that and Paper Mario, which was a sidescroller.

i dont think that Quest 64 was a launch game, and i thought it was more of an action/adventure game. Aidyn Chronicles was the game i was thinking of.
In response to OneFishDown
OneFishDown wrote:
square isn't the only company that makes RPGs. the SNES had lots of RPGs. i can only think of one for the N64. there was probably more, but it was a long time after the release of the N64 that RPGs came out for it.

For example, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (Best RPG evar!), Final Fantasy 2-3; 5(Best 2D RPG evar!) for the SNES, and Paper Mario for the N64. :)
In response to Asguard
True, Centipede DOES rule..
In response to OneFishDown
Uh, no probably not launch, but very early.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Nathandx82 wrote:
But alteast they aren't stupid fad items like Ipods. Christ every time I see some Real-world-esque person with one of those overpriced POSes, I just hate U2 and their sucky music even more.

Have you actually used an iPod? They're actually worth the money.
I've played around with heaps of portable MP3 players over the years and the majority of them stink. They're usually designed with only storage space and size in mind.
They rarely have a decent PC interface. iTunes is great for playing music and really convenient when adding/removing songs from the iPod.
The battery life is good, and you don't have to fully charge/discharge the battery when charging.

Not to mention the amount of accessories you can get. A lot of them are pretty stupid, but the good ones are great.

The only thing that the iPod doesn't have which surpized me is memory card support. However memory cards suck. If I want to transfer something I'll use a USB stick.
On that note I can store files on my iPod. I don't really use that feature, but it's handy to have around.

They may or may not be a fad, but it's not like a lot of other techno-fads. Apple have made a high quality device.

Get an iriver. Rest my case.
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
Get an iriver. Rest my case.

While I haven't used one, from the look of it I would never buy one for listening to music.
I'd rather just buy a digital camera and an iPod.
In response to Shades
Nintendo was ALWAYS the best rpg maker. When was the last time there was a good sony rpg? (Don't you dare say FF)

The Final Fantasy games went to hell after they got more technology in them. They were better with all the swords & magic, not guns & gernades.
In response to Jermman
While I wouldn't say they went to hell *hides FF*, they certainly became stranger. I always wondered why the heck would anybody still be using a sword when you could exchange it for a machinegun. At least in FFX there was some sort of excuse (church teachings declared the use of machines evil, though not everybody followed the church).
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
Nintendo was ALWAYS the best rpg maker. When was the last time there was a good sony rpg? (Don't you dare say FF)

The developers seem to disagree with you.

Nintendo reports only 29 RPGs for the Gamecube: gamecategory?cf=RPG&sf=NINTENDO+GAMECUBE&ef=

Sony reports 78 RPGs: (You'll have to enter the search parameters for PS2 RPGs yourself.)

I play whatever games interest me regardless of the console they are on. It's the game that matters, not the platform. Personally I find that the very best RPGs are played without a console at all; eating pizza with about 6 friends while fighting the good fight with some paper, pencils, and a handful of funny shaped dice. :p
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:>
I play whatever games interest me regardless of the console they are on. It's the game that matters, not the platform. Personally I find that the very best RPGs are played without a console at all; eating pizza with about 6 friends while fighting the good fight with some paper, pencils, and a handful of funny shaped dice. :p

And for those that have lives...

In response to Elation
Those that have lives wouldn't be debating about the size of their consoles to begin with. ;)
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:
Those that have lives wouldn't be debating about the size of their consoles to begin with. ;)

Hey, at least us Geeks only debate size with consoles. >_>
In response to Shadowdarke
True, that is the best type of RPG(At least with a good DM/GM/Host) I have spent quite a few nights sitting round a table with friends, doing just that.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
And for those that have lives...


And for those that have lives, they play games with their friends, regardless of the where it is played.

A life, in this case, is defined as someone who does stuff with friends, has a job, and generally average person. I personally fit the description pretty well, except I have no girl friend. I play PnP games quite often. They are a fun way to relax and hang out. Some people even enjoy some pucker while we play. Being cool and popular are all opinional, so as long as I have friends and am happy, I am cool and popular.

And for those that don't have lives...go sit in your room for 12 hours straight, pretending to be a Jedi Knight or Cloud.
In response to Scoobert

And for those that don't have lives...go sit in your room for 12 hours straight, pretending to be a Jedi Knight or Cloud.

BAHAAHA! That right there made me crack up :).

In response to Jiskuha
Super Nintendo was the best system in my opinion.

Most games today rely on the graphics and stuff and not on the gameplay and the fun.
In response to Meta Gaara
Hehe, I just wanted to post on this amazingly large thread...
Heh, I read almost all the posts, by the time I finished my eyes were bleeding.
Personally though, I'm partial to side with the old, yet reliable Nintendo. Sony has done a good job too, but can't ignore the work on the Nintendo series... I still have my old "N64" but rarely play it, I'm one of those graphics hogs and such. Plus, I'm attached to my good 'ol friend, technology, so go DS! <_< Anyway, blah.

- Super Squirrel


One who eats his feces is on the brink of destruction.
In response to Meta Gaara
I read an article in a magazine about how games were getting more and more serious - there used to be 'funny' games like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and 'How to be a complete B*****D', but now games have moved on to being mostly about killing, war and violence.
In response to Hazman
Hazman wrote:
I read an article in a magazine about how games were getting more and more serious - there used to be 'funny' games like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and 'How to be a complete B*****D', but now games have moved on to being mostly about killing, war and violence.

That's because war rocks!
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