To be fair Nintendo isn't that conservative. It's more or less accurate. But Microsoft does the same thing with the Xbox and over-hypes.
To be honest though I will admit that the games on the psp do look might nice. I just don't know if thats enough to put up with the other crap. I could find myself buying a PSP if lithium-ion's get more powerful and Sony starts fixing their problems rather than trying to ignore them. They could also cut the bullcrap and lower the price. They don't need to include a pair of 50 cent headphones and stuff like that. They could chop another 50 bucks if they wanted. The 32 meg memory card is kind of nice, but they could drop all of the extra's and I could buy a 256 meg card. I don't know if I have anything to do with loyalty. Nintendo messed up with the Gamecube, and Sony messed with the PSP. It's more of a matter of, Nintendo have been the ONLY players in the handheld business forever. You could try and say they had competition, but I'll tell you I was the 11th and last person to buy a gamegear. This is Sony's first try and they just don't understand that it's not the same as consoles. Which is what leads us back to the beginning, the N-Gage. It was Nokia's first try and a gaming platform. And it sucked, hard. Now the N-Gage QD is the same thing, but with all the stupid errors fixed, all due to customer feedback and criticsm. Now that seems like it worked out. As far as I can tell, it's not the greatest gaming platform but it's an awesome phone. It's a happy story where they listened and things worked out. Now what Sony is doing is not listening. They had long enough in between the Japan and American launch to clean up it's act, but it refused. I'm going to be more friendly to Sony next time 'round. |
N-Gage is Expensive, It is underpowered compaired to the other hand helds right now, and you have to pay a montly cost to use the phone and online gameing part (from what Ive read).
Not to mention they charge way too much for a games from the 1990s. For alot of people, the N-Gage is dead already. As for the gamecube being screwed, I disagree. I love my cube very much. I own a NGC, PS3 and a MXB. Out of the 3 I play the Cube the most, then the PS2 then the Xbox and only for the emulator possbilites. Honestly I have been thinking about selling my PS2 and the Xbox. And actully, Sony has always had a "screw you" attitude twards gamers. I think every single system releas they had, there was some sort of trouble, a massive delay or shortage. I mean, the fake PSP shortage was so bad, retailers wouldnt let you return your PSP if it had dead pixels, that is horrible. I think the best launch I ever saw was the Sega Dreamcast. It had a great line up, a great price, and it was delayed like, 1 day. Nintnedo was ready for the rush, and you could return your NDS even if all it was missing was the extra stylus. |
Yeah! What a rip! See I was going to buy Paint Shop Pro! But I guess I can't discuss this with me not knowing what a "PSP" could be from the topic title. No point in me discussing about the Pennsylvania State Police! No sir-ee.
Mega fart cannon wrote:
I don't really care what games the PSP has. If they are games that REALLY catch my attention, like the games on the PS2 did, then I'll buy the PSP. But right now, looking at the prices, I'm still going with the DS. DS? psh, the gameboy had great games. i guess people just care about graphics =P |
The N-gage is dead, but my point was, Nokia was willing to look at their mistakes and actually spend their own money to fix them. Kind of cool. I suppose Nintendo sort of did it too with the SP.
I also love my Gamecube, but I'm talking sales. It just isn't selling anymore, and it's hard to turn that into a positivc thing y'know. The dreamcast launch was awesome. The DC brought Sonic to a new level. |
I don't care what anybody says. Pokemon was a great game. Don't think about all the kiddy cutesy wutesy stuff. Don't think about trading cards. Think about RPG's that are innovative.
I do not know what you are talking about, not selling.
Both Menominee, MI and Marinette WI, ALL of the stores are all sold out of ALL systems except the DS right now. Personally, I think this may be the last good year for the PS2, the Xbox or the Gamecube. And for the idiots in the thread either too stupid to know what we are talking about, or are trying to be funny. We are talking about the Sony Playstation Portable. All of this talk about hand held games, Sony and Nintendo, you should have been able to put it together. |
I was just reading through this page and all I have to say is this. With the Playstation Portable, there is a chance that I may get to play Final Fantasy VII on it. For me, that clears up any uncertancy I had about which handheld to buy, if any at all. And come to think of it, if all you are interested in is good games, then I'm sorry to say but you're not going to see any new games that are good anymore ladies and gentelmen. If you want to play good games go buy a super nintento or a playstation. Heck, buy a nintendo entertainment system. On a somewhat skewed note, it sucks that new games are getting shorter and shorter in companies attempts to make games mainstream and popular to the general public. It's sort of like saying, I was a "nerd" for years because I played Super Mario Brothers, and after sticking with video games all these years, this is what I get?
I think it is just your taste in games.
For the Gameboy Advance I have found quite a number of games *fun* as you have put it. And the DS is just the same, I picked up Mario64 and Mr.Driller Spirits and I couldnt be happier with it. As for picking up the Sony PSP for 1 game, screw that. Ill wait for a emulator. |
Yeah they're corrupt cops. They'd even double as strippers,it is Valentine's Day! Give them to a special someone.
The main reason i'm asking this is because i want to get the new Darkstalkers game.
Plus, i heard that it has a lot of problems. (Button problems, lost pixles, improper system issues, ect) |
Well... So far the count is...
Burnt out Pixels, alot, as many as 10 or 20 on a screen. The Buttons were mis-algined on the system, so they dont press exactly where they should. Sometimes it wont work. The system is prone to freezing up, shutting down, or the OS messing up. Like, you have to hard rest the system a few times to get it working again. If you move the PSP in a certian way, the UMD disk will eject it self, but in a more extream fashion, like shoot out. Like those little disk shooters you used to be able to buy. Reports have come in that the Analog controler nubs have actully come off during gameplay. Mean while, as far as I have heard for the DS, a few burnt pixels. And if you are using a Flash Card to play burnt roms, sometimes the DS will read it as a expansion pack, and give you error "Corrupt Expansion Pack" Also some of the burnt pixels are not really burnt at all, but just goof up. They will turn red or blue, or whatever, and when you reset the system, it will be fine. |
But wouldn't it be massively expensive, having to use so many UMD's. Not to mention you wouldn't be able to play it anywhere but a place you have access to a plugin to recharge it.
Thats why I hatee RPG's on portables. You've been playing 3 hours, and you don't notice low batteries, and BAM! Lost your data. |
Do you really need me to bring up the stats? Of course they are sold out, because they are shifting production away from those consoles and into the DS and PSP.
Here: North America PlayStation 2 - 29.26 million Xbox - 8.6 million GameCube - 7.46 million Game Boy Advance - 23.78 million Japan / Asia PlayStation 2 - 16.18 million Xbox - 1.4 million (~425,000 Japan alone) GameCube - 3.37 million Game Boy Advance - 12.66 million Europe / PAL PlayStation 2 - 24.56 million Xbox - 3.7 million GameCube - 3.11 million (~3 million Europe alone) Game Boy Advance - 12.98 million Worldwide PlayStation 2 - 70 million Xbox - 13.7 million GameCube - 13.94 million Game Boy Advance - 49.42 million GBA sales include Original + SP. Ok, Not bad, that's a profit. At least they had the GBA. Lets look at sales this week in Japan (This includes the PSP) PSP - 74,405 PlayStation 2 - 58,673 Nintendo DS - 43,226 Game Boy Advance SP - 11,589 GameCube - 8,214 Xbox - 467 Game Boy Advance - 399 Go to a community about gaming, and see if they have the same views about this. I bet they will. I'm glad a few stores are sold out, and I'm not trying to bash any competitor, but the GameCube just isn't selling. |